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I didn't want to hear what Snape said, because it was too true. I knew I had to get my task done, I had to do whatever the dark lord wanted, but at the same time it felt so wrong, but it wasn't like I had much of a choice. Hearing Aurora and the dark lord in the same sentence made a pit in my stomach that wouldn't go away, she was the only thing occupying my thoughts. Fucking Aurora was all I thought about, her name was on repeat in my head.

It always was.

She always was.


After I heard Snape and Draco's conversation, I knew they would be leaving soon so I quietly made my way back to my dorm trying not to make a single noise, they couldn't know I heard them. As I walked into my room I noticed it was empty, Pansy must've been out late again, so I just showered and laid in bed for a while until I heard a sudden knock at the door, confused as to who that could be I went to go see.

"Cedric what the hell are you doing here? And why are your eyes so bloody red?" I ask in confusion whilst Cedric just stands at the door looking flustered, with his eyes blood shot red, like he's been crying for hours on end.

"You wanna know why my eyes are so red? Because of you Aurora, it's all because of fucking you" he says as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration.

"What are you on about Cedric?" I ask not fully knowing what he meant.

"Everything is about you, I do fucking anything and all I could think about is you, all the fucking time, and seeing Draco touch you like that? Touch you when he doesn't even fucking deserve you is making me go fucking crazy" he says with tears forming, I didn't even know what to say, I felt guilty in a way for ever making him think of the idea of him and I.

"Cedric, I don't know what you want me to say..." I say quietly as I look down.

"For fucks sake, all I have ever wanted to hear you say Is that I mean something to you" he says louder as I look at him with guilt, guilt for bringing him to this point.

"I wish I never met you, I really wish I never fucking touched you the way I did, because now look at me" he says with disappointment.

"Im a mess, all because of you" he huffs out while we both just look at one another.

"Cedric I've said this once but i'll say it again, I truly am sorry..." I say as I look at him with pity, It was all I could say, but I knew It didn't make it better.

"What, sorry for leading me on? or sorry for being with that piece of shit Malfoy? he says while he looks at me with hurt.

"Im sorry for it all..." I say while I just look at him, hoping he knew I meant it, because Cedric really didn't deserve this.

"Id never thought id say this, but I fucking hate you Aurora" he says as he looks at me with no emotion.

"Cedric you don't mean tha-"

"Oh but I do, I hate you so fucking much for making me feel like this" he says and before I could even say another word he was already slowly backing away while looking at me with disgust. I couldn't believe he said that, Ive known Cedric for the longest time, and he's never been anything but sweet, and I managed to make him hate me. In that moment I felt terrible, terrible because no matter what I couldn't do anything for Cedric, I couldn't feel the same way he did because I felt nothing for him, nothing but a friend. It was about a couple minutes since Cedric left my room, and I started hearing loud voices coming from the hallway.

"Tell me what the fuck you were doing coming back from her room" I hear Draco say and as I turn the corner I see him holding Cedric by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't worry Malfoy, she's all yours" he spits out as they give each other death glares.

"Yeah? then why the fuck don't you leave her alone?" he says while his hand is still holding onto Cedric while the other starts to ball up into a fist.

"I don't know, maybe I was just trying to knock some sense into her, but congrats Malfoy you got her wrapped around your little finger." he says with a lifeless chuckle.

"Get the fuck out of my face Diggory" he says as he lets go of his shirt, making Cedric fall to the ground as he then quickly picks himself up while he backs away, while he passes by me.

"He's all yours Aurora" he says as his voice slightly cracks as if he just accepted defeat.

"Why is he so bloody obsessed with you?" Draco says as I could tell he was still angry, I slowly make my way over to him.

"It doesn't matter Draco" I say as I grab his hand, and as I did I felt him calm down at my touch which is all I ever wanted to do, was make him feel better.

"What were you doing in the hallway anyway?" I ask

"I was actually coming to you" he says while edging closer.

"I wanted to tell you something, something serious" he says as his grasp on my hand grows tighter.

"Im not going to lie to you Aurora, you being here right now with me, is putting yourself at risk-" he says but I almost immediately stop him.

"If you're trying to say that we should distance ourselves, then you can just stop it" I say whilst raising my voice since I already knew what what coming.

"First of all lower your fucking voice when you speak to me, and secondly It wasn't a question I'm telling you, its too bloody dangerous" he says as I quickly let go of his hand, lightly backing away.

"Are you delusional or what? Ive literally been telling you this entire time that I would be by your side, and now your just kicking me away like nothing?" I say getting angrier by the second.

"For fucks sake Aurora what do you mean nothing? I bloody worship the ground you walk on and you think you mean nothing?" he spits out, as I was taken back by his words, those words coming from him was almost unbelievable.

Those words rolling off his tongue as if he's been dying to say it, left me in shock.

"Thats why I have to fucking do this, I can't let you do this to yourself, put your own bloody life at risk because you can't see the dark man I see in the mirror every fucking day" he says while pointing to himself.

"Your right Draco I can't see the man you see, because I don't see anything dark when I look at you" I say, knowing my words meant nothing, nothing could change the way he saw himself.

Not even me.

"You know Aurora, you are so fucking clueless" he spits out, maybe I was clueless but he had no right to tell me so.

"Fuck you Malfoy" I spit out as I got as close as I possibly could to him, forgetting he was the most short tempered person to ever exist. As I went to walk away, he almost instantly grabbed my wrist pushing me back into the stone cold wall, whilst he sneaked his hand around my neck.

"The fuck did you just say?" he says clenching his jaw.

"You heard me" I said not wanting to give him the satisfaction of him feeling in control of me.

Even thought in a way he always was.

Okay, I honestly feel kinda bad for Cedric... I know this chapter was kinda short but don't worry the next one will be longer. Please don't forget to vote as it does really help my story, also do you guys prefer the more sad/dark stories or the more happy type? let me know, and also let me know your thoughts on this chapter!

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