Before Her

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As me and Aurora walked to class I couldn't help myself as I let my mind wander.

Wander to her.

I told myself I wouldn't let this happen I wouldn't let myself feel anything for anyone, I couldn't but I did and I couldn't help it. Ive been lashing out more than usual first Adrian and now Diggory what the fuck is wrong with me, before I wouldn't let any man mess with my head or get jealous from fucking anyone, but that was before

Before her.

Aurora, fucking Aurora this girl drove me fucking insane I told myself to keep my distance and I tried, I really tried but with her its impossible. With every glance I took of her every scent I caught as she walked by, as my hands traveled along her body as my eyes pierced through hers I melted, melted at the thought of holding her in my arms, the thought of waking up to her every morning, It was an amazing fucking thought but none the less an unrealistic one. I had to keep up with my task, I was screwed when I knew I was gonna be getting a letter from my father soon.

As class ended I went to check if I got anything.

And I did.


You better hope that vanishing cabinet is close to finished, the dark lord won't be giving you a reminder, if you wish to not get on his bad side I suggest you focus on getting it done.

Your Father

I got distracted, distracted by the imagination my head led me to. I had to stay away from her for her sake, if she ever found out I was a death eater she wouldn't look in my fucking face anyway and I wouldn't blame her, but merlin did she make me feel good. The taste of her on my lips, the way I took control of her when we were together, Ive had sex tons of times but not once did it leave me feeling the way she did and that pissed me the fuck off. How the fuck was I supposed to finish the vanishing cabinet when all I could think of was her.

I made my way towards detention, I decided I would finish the cabinet afterwards. 


I got to class and sat down for detention, I then saw Malfoy barge in 10 minutes late.

"Malfoy your late" Snape said as Draco came in looking distressed it wasn't usually like him to look scared but he did, I was honestly worried It didn't matter how shitty he treated me or how bad he made me feel I was always going to care for him and that was the worst part.

"Sorry professor..." he said as they exchanged looks, it looked like they were trying to talk with their eyes as if they knew what the other was thinking.

"Very well take a seat, you two will clean down the tables and reorganize the books I will be back in an hour" he said before leaving the classroom.

There was something seriously wrong with Draco he didn't even glance at me not once, which is something he never did he always looked at me even for just a second. We started cleaning down the tables it was completely silent until I decided I had to see for myself.

"Draco...whats wrong you haven't said a word and no offense but you look a mess." I say while I look at him with concern.

"Well thanks" he says with a lifeless chuckle, I knew he wouldn't talk to me but I at least had to try.

"Listen Draco I don't know what's going on with you or why you look like you've been through hell and back, but you could talk to me I'll listen..." I say with a sympathetic look hoping he would budge.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now