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She neared closer, and at that point I just had to hope I didn't say the wrong thing, I knew whatever was about to occur would be anything but pleasant, but at that point there was nothing I could do.

She pushed open the door as I jump back, I didn't want to portray any fear, but even a fool could see I was petrified.

"Well, well Draco darling who's this in your very own bedroom..." she said in amusement, as if she already had her wicked thoughts roaming through her head.

I looked behind her as she stood in the doorway, Draco portrayed fear even better than I did.

"Bring her down here" said the dark lord in his spine chilling tone. With that she grabbed me by the back of my blouse and dragged me with her down the stairs, as she brought me to where they sat.

"Narcissa, Lucius who is it that stays in your manor, surely you know..." 

"Thats Aurora, a friend of Draco's my lord-" said Narcissa rapidly, looking down, none of them were even able to make eye contact with me.

"Ah, a friend you say..." with every word he uttered, my anticipation grew, I knew I wasn't going to be let off, no, no I wasn't... 

Maybe, we didn't notice it then, back at Hogwarts, when we were just students without a care in the world, we didn't have to worry for what's to come, but in present moments like these where I stood at the foot of the dark lord himself, where evil such as a Lestrange took hold of me, and saw me as pure dirt because of such things as blood status, our times at Hogwarts were far more significant than we world ever think, then what we would have ever thought, because from here on out we weren't just students at a school, we were people trying to avoid the permanent damage of a scar, scars which we got from the darkness itself, ones we would always remember.

Ones that some of us already had.

But I wish mines were to be deeper than yours Draco, because yours were already far too deep than they should have been.

"Your not a pureblood, your filthy just like the rest of them..."  she spat close to my ear, as she hovered over me whilst still holding me by my shirt, I was without a doubt shaking.

"You would be of great use, take her down to the cellar..." 

"My lord, she is merely not capable-" said Narcissa but she was quickly cut short.

"Silence-" he said rapidly cutting her off, as she from there on didn't let out a sound, I couldn't blame her.

She tried.

"Yes, my lord..." said Bellatrix all too quickly, as if she enjoyed the directions ordered.

I quickly glance back at Draco, he's looking at me with sympathy, yet he also looked at me with eyes that said I told you so...

And yes, in fact he did tell me so, everyone warned me about staying at the manor.

But somehow, I didn't regret It, not one bit.

She dragged me down to the dungeons of the manor, they were far worse than what lied above It, she threw me on the cold floor, it was dark, could barely see a thing.

"See, this is where the filthy blooded belong..." she spit out, before walking away with a grin of satisfaction.

I panicked, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what I could do.

I stayed in the cellar for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was a probably an hour, or two, I couldn't say, It was impossible to keep track. I then hear what sounded like small steps edging closer, something was coming towards me, I couldn't quite make It out, It was far too dark.

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