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After we got done getting dressed we quickly exited the classroom hoping we weren't too late to class, as we went inside we were once again the last two to get there.

"Draco, Aurora you're late... care to explain why?" said Slug horn as the class turned their gaze to us.

"Sorry professor I was looking for my book and Draco was helping me..." I say trying to sound somewhat convincing.

"Alright, very well I'll let it slip this time, take your seats please." he says as me and Draco go to sit down, I take a seat next to Pansy and he sits next to Blaise.

"Looking for your book? Really Aurora that's the best you could come up with?" whispered Pansy as I sat down, somehow she always caught me in a lie.

"What its true..." I say quietly.

"Oh come on its so obvious, you two were obviously shagging" she says with a smirk.

"Shut up Pansy" I say quick to change the subject as she just laughs.

"Oh um, by the way Aurora your shirt is a little messed up" she says with a wink as I go to straighten it out.

"Oh piss off already" I say with a small chuckle, I didn't mind Pansy knowing, I mean we were really close after all. After class ended me and Pansy went back up to our dorm since the boys would be on there way soon.

"Finally, what took you guys so damn long" said Pansy as she opened the door to let Blaise, Draco, and Adrian in.

"Well I brought the Alcohol so you can't blame me" said Blaise as he holds up the bottle.

"Oh thank god, I've been sober too long" said Pansy as she took the bottle and brought out shot glasses.

It was about an hour later of all of us laughing, making jokes with one another and overall enjoying each others company, we were all also very much drunk. I felt the alcohol kicking in as we all sat in a circle.

"Do you guys remember first year when we all met?" Pansy said as she slurred her words.

"How could I get forget you were just as annoying back then as you are now" Blaise said with a chuckle as he downs another shot.

"Piss off Blaise we all know you love me" Pansy said with a boastful smile.

"Not the word I would really use to be honest" he said jokingly as Pansy grabbed a pillow and playfully chucked it at him.

"I remember first meeting you Aurora, I knew we were gonna be friends as soon as that bloody hat called you into Slytherin, feels just like yesterday and now here we are, wasted on the floor." she says with a laugh as she looks at me and I shoot her a smile. I then start to remanence when I first met everyone, and how different I was first year compared to now.

"And you two..." she says facing Adrian and Draco.

"Adrian you've always been a sweetheart, quite the opposite of Malfoy actually" she says as she takes another shot.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" asks Draco with a slighty offended tone.

"Oh please Draco you've always been how do I say it...cold" she eventually spits out.

"Wow Pansy, kinda harsh don't you think?" says Blaise as we all get a little taken back by her brutal honesty, and from what everyone sees of Draco, yes you could describe him as cold but when you really spend time with him, really dig deep into why he is the way he is, he can be an entirely different person.

"No, it's alright say what you feel" says Draco who looks unfazed by her statement, almost as if he knew it was true.

"But don't get me wrong Malfoy, you've been a lot different recently, and I'm pretty sure we have our dearest Aurora to thank for that." she says as she looks at me. I then see Draco glance right at me, as we make direct eye contact.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now