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I had no idea Aurora spent her holidays at Hogwarts, probably since I never cared to ask, I didn't want to push her further to talk about it since she looked uncomfortable. I invited her to the manor, I wanted to spend every breathing moment with her I don't even think I could go one bloody day without thinking about her, the feeling of being In her presence, seeing her smile that lit up a room faster than a damn light ever could. I did nothing but be as cold as can be towards her, I once said I hated this girl, that I couldn't stand being in a damn room with her, but I showed her a side of me, a dark side that I couldn't show anyone else. I didn't know what the hell she saw in me but I've never met anyone like her, she didn't run away, she didn't leave me to face the darkness alone, instead she took my hand and said it was all going to be okay, that I would get through it and for that she is too pure for a man like me.

Aurora deserved better than I could ever be.

As were walking I see Diggory from the corner of my eye, I know Aurora hated my jealous side, but I couldn't help it, she made me do crazy things.

"Hey I'll catch up with you in a bit-" I say to her with a smile.

"Okay, don't be late" she said firmly while pointing her finger at me.

"I won't be-" I say as I put my hands up in defense, I then slowly made my way towards that Hufflepuff that couldn't keep his fucking hands to himself.

"Draco, can you not push me down to the floor again for gods sake-" he said while I approached him.

"Listen to me Diggory Im gonna make this short, so that maybe you can fucking understand it this time, stay the fuck away from her-" I spat out as I got closer to him.

"What are you on about this time Malfoy..."  he questions.

 "Please Im not fucking stupid, you think I don't notice- the casual touching during class don't play dumb with me."

"It was just a pat on the damn leg-"

"Don't test me Diggory-" I say warningly.

"Oh for fucks sake Draco we both know how this is gonna end, you're gonna make her fall for your sorry ass, then just leave like its fucking nothing, why don't you just save her the trouble?"

"Im warning you, keep your fucking hands off her-" I say as we're practically in each others faces.

"I wish she could see how much of a cruel monster you truly are Malfoy" he says as he slowly backs away.

I wanted to beat the shit out of him then and there, but I knew Aurora wouldn't even look at me if I did, I truly was trying to contain myself, I was trying so hard to keep myself composed, but with her

With fucking Aurora.

It was so hard.


I saw Draco come into class, looking pissed as usual, he didn't even sit next to me. Pansy then came in and took a seat at the table me and Blaise were at.

"The fuck is Draco's problem, why is he on the other side of the class, he's always so dramatic-" said Blaise as Draco just sat alone.

"I don't know" I say while I look at him confused, he just kept looking down at his hands. After class ended I went to go look for him, I then see him making his way to the room of requirement.

"Draco-" I call out to him.

"What are you doing here Aurora-" he asks in a frustrated tone.

I never hated you (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now