Chapter 17

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"Uncle Khun!" A child greeted with a large grin present on his face, the child was none other than Kioshi, Viole's troublesome son who looks up to his uncle Khun

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"Uncle Khun!" A child greeted with a large grin present on his face, the child was none other than Kioshi, Viole's troublesome son who looks up to his uncle Khun.

Kioshi loved to hang around Aguero since he had more freedom when he's with him, not to mention that Aguero also doesnt allow Viole to discipline his son whenever Aguero sees them.

Now that Aguero has a son, he himself can now understand how important disciplining a troublesome child.

To be honest, Aguero doesn't really have to discipline Akihiro since the boy is already disciplined and responsible by himself. Viole can even say that Akihiro is much more responsible than his own son.

Though, Viole would never actually say that right in front of Kioshi, he knows how painful it is to children when their parents compare them to other children.

The golden eyed male is the kind of father whose loving yet strict to his children, he'd discipline them if they really did something bad. Kioshi is usually the one that gets scolded often.

"Hey, there kiddo. Could you give this to your mom?" Aguero crouched down at Kioshi's level and the began patting the child's head, after that, he handed the extra meals that he and (Name) bought.

He also noticed that this boy was always eager to greet him while Kimiko, Kioshi's twin sister, was always at his side, Kimiko was always at his brother's side to lessen the destruction her brother could make.

"Sure!" Kioshi replied enthusiastically before rushing back to his home to give the meals that Aguero that bought for them.

The sky blue haired male placed both of his hands on his hips when he stood up. "Where's Akihiro?" He asked while looking at the dark brown haired girl who was looking up to him with dead eyes.

Aguero expected his cute son to run up to him but it seems that Akihiro was busy with something or maybe just fast asleep.

"He fell asleep." Kimiko replied, when she first saw Akihiro, the first thing she thought in her little head was Akihiro being cute.

She thought that the small boy looked like the doll that she see on toy stores, Akihiro had soft fluffy hair an fair skin which many women ought to have.

The famous male couldn't do anything but scratch the back of his head, he had forgotten that his son never loses his afternoon sleep.

"Ah, right. It's his afternoon nap." He then turned his head back to his car where (Name) was currently sleeping.

It seems that the mother and son also share the same habit on having an afternoon nap which Aguero thinks is adorable.

"Khun, thanks for the food." Viole said as soon as he saw his friend, in his arms were a fast asleep Akihiro and from the looks of it, Viole was glad that he had the opportunity to take are of this adorable and disciplined child, he wished that his own son acted like this but he can't do anything about it. Being troublesome is one of Kioshi's perks.

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