Chapter 25

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"(Name), are you alright? You look a bit pale

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"(Name), are you alright? You look a bit pale." Aguero asked as he placed his hand over the female's forehead. He frowned when he felt none, her temperature was normal.

They were currently in the backseat of Aguero's car, the male didn't want to drive today since he needed to make sure that (Name) would be comfortable before she meets her ex-husband. He is actually concerned of what Hatz would say but he was sure that (Name) wouldn't leave him for that man.

Sighing, (Name) closed her eyes and leaned more on Aguero's touch. "Mhm, yeah. Just feeling a bit cold." She mumbled, it was true that she was cold because it has rained non-stop today.

The dress that Aguero asked her to wear this day had no sleeves, and it seems that Aguero already had different types of dresses ready for the mother of his child to wear at different occasions, not that (Name) knows of this. He wanted to keep it a secret at first just so that he can surprise her.

The cold breeze from the car's air conditioner was no help. At times like this, she hoped that she had Akihiro and Aguero's tolerance to the cold.

Not long after, she felt Aguero shift on his seat and place his blazer on top of her shoulders. Making her feel more comfortable, (Name) gave a quiet thanks to the male upon opening her eyes once again.

She buried herself in the male's clothing as she felt warm, she could've also just went on to hug the owner of the clothing but no, she was still a bit shy to have skin ship with him. She would of preferred to have Aguero to be the one who moves first.

"Are you perhaps nervous on meeting Hatz again?" Aguero started and stared at the buildings that they pass by, he would of grumbled but he didn't since he did not want (Name) to see his childish side. Another thing is that.. mentioning Hatz was making his blood boil, not only he is the business enemy, he's also the one who can possibly take this woman from his arms.


The female's silence was enough for Aguero to confirm that she really is concerned about how her conversation would go with Hatz. "Hey, I'll be there for you." He spoke with his voice being soft as ever when he's with (Name) and their son, he turned his head to her and looked at her figure. Just what did Hatz really did to this woman?

"It's not that.. but thanks, Aguero.." (Name) spoke, grateful that this amazing man was beside her, holding her close to his chest as if he'd lose her by the second he lets go, his actions comforted the gentle (Name). Every time she looks at Aguero, she'd feel contented and happy since she could clearly see that Aguero loves her and Akihiro dearly.

"What if Hari would also be there?" She continued, she was a bit ashamed for being afraid of someone who used to be her closest friend.

The comfort that this man provides her was what she needed, she wanted someone to hold her like this in the past, she wanted to be with someone who deeply loves her and her son. It seems that fate was on her side this time, Aguero is Akihiro's biological father who didn't care that (Name) used to be the wife of someone who he's not in favour of.

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