Christmas Special!

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"The snow is piling up outside." The (h/c) haired female mumbled as she stared at the cloudy view, she crossed her arms over her chest as she felt the coldness seep through her warm clothing.

The wide transparent window didn't do her good, she could see the snow storm outside and even though she's inside Aguero's warm home, she couldn't help but feel cold and also feel concerned to those who doesn't have a home in this season.

Today was Christmas, Christmas Eve to be exact, they won't be opening presents yet since it should be opened at December 25. (Name) was about to turn and walk away from the window but then a voice stopped her.

"Are you getting cold?" Aguero asked and walked closer as soon as he saw (Name) staring outside the window. He also wanted to experience a Christmas where (Name) is his wife, maybe he'll experience it next year.

The female replied with a shake of her head to reply as a no, the heater was enough to make her warm, the look of the piles of snow outside was just making her a bit cold.

With a raise of one of his eyebrows, Aguero the asked, "You sure?" He squinted his eyes at the cloudy view outside, he thought of what was so interesting with this that made (Name) keep staring at it.


"Alright." Aguero replied and left without a word but he can back with a blanket in only a few minutes. He placed it on top of (Name)'s shoulder before giving her a hug from behind.

Ah, this was a moment he yearned for. A time with this woman he's embracing was already a great gift for Christmas. He closed his eyes when he felt (Name) lean on his chest, he's feeling warm and.. loved.

Look at them, sharing a hug that made them look like a married couple even though they didn't even have a label in the their relationship.

The two didn't mind the looks that Ran and Akihiro gave, they both shared their warmth.

(Name) let out a sigh as soon as she realised that she's liking-- no, loving Aguero's hugs and simple touches. She closed her eyes when she heard the male humming the tune of a familiar song.

"You're tired, aren't you?" Aguero asked after he stopped his humming, he frowned when he thought of getting one or two maids to help (Name) around the house but (Name) insists on doing everything on her own, she probably doesn't trust any other person other than her family and of course, Aguero's family.

With her head leaning back on Aguero's chest, (Name)'s smile crept up to her face before humming an agreement to Aguero's question. "Mhm."

"I should've came home early, I could've helped you cook all that." Aguero spoke with a frown, it's Christmas Eve so (Name) was the only one who made all the food they had on the table, thankfully, she also had gotten help from Ran who unexpectedly walked out of his room.

On days like this, Ran would've spent his Christmas day alone in his room playing games he had. Aguero brings his food and do talk to his little brother when he had time, Aguero was worried that Ran didn't love his family.

"No no, it's fine." (Name) spoke quickly as she held Aguero's arm when she felt him move his hand. She whipped her head at his direction and looked at his eyes while saying, "C-Can we stay like this a bit more?"

"Of course." Aguero smiled and pulled the female close to him, he never expected (Name) to ask that. He often thought that (Name) never really liked his hugs since she often looks bored or sometimes, she doesn't even look at his eyes.

He the buried his head on the female's neck, inhaling her natural scent that he loved. He closed his eyes and stood in his place, not moving any inch of his body.

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