Chapter One

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   She sighed for the fourth time in an hour standing on the corner watching a suspected rogue while her supposed partner disappeared yet again. She could not understand where the rumor that vampires couldn't be out during the day came from but she wished it had been true so she could have had a different partner. Drake Kerien was a cold demeanored bastard with a side of no nonsense. It rubbed her the wrong way to the extreme, her superiors stated it was good for her to learn to work around it.
   So here she stood freezing her buns off, watching the suspect with a cup of coffee in her hands to warm up, waiting for them to slip up so they could send them packing to Danielle to deal with. Suddenly, the smell of cedar wood and cinnamon began to envelope her indicating her partner's arrival. How could a man so cold have such a hot scent? She had made the mistake of sniffing him once, the situation ending with him glaring at her and walking away. How was this her fault?! The man walked around smelling like that and gets offended when a woman decides to sniff him to figure out what the smell was. She looked around her for an indication of where he was, coming up empty. She still didn't know why she bothered, she never could see him unless he let her. She eyed the suspect again who was looking around suspiciously before entering a building from the alley he was in. She made her way towards the door slowly as to seem like a normal person walking around the city. She approached the alley, standing off to the side so no one could see what she was doing, looking like someone just standing around waiting for something. Her heightened hearing picking up the rogue talking to someone else inside the door.
"I'm getting out while the getting is good man. We don't know this guy! For all we know we are just pawns in his game to advance himself in the crime world and that is not what I signed up for. I'm moving out of here, hopefully far away from all this, change my name hell after this experience maybe even settle down with someone. Anything but what is going down here. I suggest you get out of here too."
"You go on coward! I'm staying and getting my cut when this guy takes over this city. He's offered me a prime spot to be, all that he needs me to do is follow his instructions and then I'm golden. Now get out of here before anyone realizes you've been here!"
   The suspect got shoved out the door he had entered. He flips the door off before pulling his hood up and began walking back towards the alley opening. He only made it a short distance before Drake dropped down behind him, grabbing him from behind and slamming him up against the wall. He slapped cuffs on him and recited his rights for supernatural beings. She sighed heavily before entering the alley towards the two.
"What are you doing?"
"My job. Our mission was to have this one cuffed before the end of shift and I have done so. Why don't you go cuff the one in that building for suspicious activity and make use of those cob web filled cuffs of yours."
"You got a problem with how I run my missions Kerien?"
   She growled at him, her eyes no doubt beginning to glow red at him. He snorted at her anger and nodded towards the door. She grumbled her annoyance as she walked towards the door. She suddenly registered a ticking noise, turning to holler to Drake before she felt like a linebacker tackled her. She heard the explosion as brick rained down on them. She saw a large chunk of building falling towards them, she hooked her legs around the man on top of her and rolled landing on top of him as the chunk landed where they had just been. It sent debris flying in all directions pegging her in the side and hitting walls, windows and anything else in the alleyway. She heard yelling as she touched her side, pulling her hand up to see it coated in a sticky red substance she assumed was her own blood. The yelling sounded so far away, she wondered if the ringing was from the bomb that had gone off. She felt like the world was tipping around her as she felt arms come around her. Was this then? Was this how she would meet her end, debris from a falling chunk of building with a cold bastard for a partner who no doubt was probably yelling at her for collapsing. The yelling felt like it was miles away now, her vision not focused enough to see who it was that now stood above her. She felt something press to her lips as a metallic taste filled her mouth. Why wasn't her throat working anymore? The darkness closed in on her as she heard more yelling. Why wouldn't they shut up and let her die in peace?

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