Chapter Twenty-Six

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   She felt herself floating in the ether yet again. Had she failed to send him to the gods again? Was she to be punished for her failure? She didn't have long to wait before seeing the familiar flash as the gods appeared before her.
"You have done well with your destiny child. Rodrique has been put to rest at last. The souls he stole have been released, the madness releasing him when he arrived to us. He has much to atone for but with completion of his sentence his soul will be released. We release you of your burdens and send you off with our blessings. Before you go back to your final mission, we have a gift for you. We retrieved the souls of your parents so that you may meet them. Meet Issac and Nicole Reveries. They wish to have time to speak to you as it appears there are a few things we have given them permission to reveal to you. You have but 10 minutes with them before you will be whisked away back to the earth realm. Go with peace child and may you keep the gods within your heart."
"Oh Tonya look at you all grown up! The gods have allowed us to watch you grow into the woman you are now and we couldn't be any prouder if we tried! The man who raised you has our blessing. He is as much your parents as we were before we had to give you up. Before we are out of time there is something you need to know. You are not a full blooded vampire. Both your father and myself are half breeds. Not so uncommon now, however it was then. For us to have been bonded is truly a marvel from the gods for sure. I am half vampire and half fae. Your father is half vampire and half werewolf. It is a mix no one ever thought to be possible but I suppose the gods knew what they were doing as it was the only reason you were able to contain the gifts they gave to you to complete your destiny. Your children could inherit any of these genes so do your research. Oh come here darling let me hug you one last time before you are sent back!"
   She felt tears prickle her eyes as her parents enveloped her in a tight hug as sobs racked their forms. She felt the familiar sensation of fading out as she felt her parents kiss each cheek. Her vision darkened and blinked out as she heard the whispered words of her parents telling her they loved her.
   She felt herself beginning to come to with someone yelling her name. It seemed far away at first before coming closer and closer until it sounded like a megaphone next to her ear. She groaned in displeasure, swatting around until she made contact with whoever was yelling. She heard a grunt and then a thump of something falling. She opened her eyes to peer around her, assuming that yet again she would wake in a hospital room. To her surprise she was in fact at home in her bed that she shared with Drake. She sat up and looked over the edge of the bed to find Drake gasping for air on the floor.
"The hell was that for?! You nearly crushed my trachea with that hit! When did you get enough strength to just smack someone into oblivion like that?"
"I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you hollering in my ear. I just wanted the yelling to stop. Why were you yelling anyway?"
"I wasn't yelling! I was trying to wake you up. You've been out for a few days. The doctor did a night of observation to make sure you were steady and then I had you brought here. Every day I have tried to wake you up. What in the actual fuck happened that night?"
"He had come up to me and was telling me how all of the stuff he had done was to get me to see that he was strong enough to be with me. He killed his soul bearer all because she was human and he couldn't take it. He took the piece of soul she carried in herself and used it to bond to me. When he led me outside, he looked like his old self. I made up my mind right then that the old him wouldn't want to live like that, praying that the gods gifts would work to send him to them. So many things happened and then it all went dark. I thought maybe I had died with it all but the gods appeared to me again. They thanked me and took the gifts back before reminding me that I still had a mission left to do. I got to meet my parents and they warned me that I wasn't a full vampire, that the babies could get any of the genes I carry."
"Wait..what do you mean 'not a full vampire' lumina vietii mele(light of my life)?"
"Well apparently both of my parents are mixed species. My mom was vampire and fae, my dad was vampire and werewolf. It was quite fascinating to find out. I don't recall anyone ever mentioning being 3 different species. 2 sure but not 3. Anyway, they said that the gods planned it that way so that I would be able to hold their gifts properly. Speaking of gifts, where are my babies?"
"Napping in their beds after they were able to see you. They are making such fast progress, the doctor said they were advancing through their stages rather rapidly."
"I want to see them."
"Ok come on I will help you. You're legs may be weak from being asleep for so long. Take it easy they aren't going anywhere."
   She practically bounded from the room to go see her babies. She peered in on them through the opening, sighing with contentment at their sleeping faces. She noted that he was correct about them advancing through their stages quickly when she saw that their cribs had been lowered from the last time she had seen them. She smiled knowing she had 3 special babies. Now she just had one mission left before she could relax and enjoy her family fully.

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