Chapter Seventeen

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   They finished their meeting and headed upstairs to get some sleep. She had absolutely no intention of sleeping right away however Drake did not know this. She had made up her mind to try to save them by giving herself up. She didn't know what she was going to to from there but she knew he wanted her for something and it felt like the right thing to do.
   Drake changed out of his clothes and into a pair of sleeping pants that the agents had bought for him earlier that day. She found a bag that had silk pajamas for her, changing into them and leaving the top unbuttoned as she turned to face his glowing crimson eyes.
   He approached her slowly as his eyes lowered to the exposed swell of her breasts and the mark he had gave her peaking out. He brought his hand up to uncover them as he lowered his head towards hers. It started out slow with a sweet tone before his need began to prod him into his carnal nature, turning his kiss into something else entirely. She met with him with the same carnal hunger as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he turned and walked them towards the bed.
   He kneeled onto the bed, depositing her near the middle before his hands ran up the sides of her legs to the waist band of her pants, pulling them back down slowly over her skin sending shivers down her spine. His calloused fingers brushed against her skin, goose bumps raising on her skin in their wake. He crawled his way up her legs, nipping at her skin as he went. As he reached her core, he bit down on her inner thigh sending shock waves that lifted her off the bed as she arched her back at the feel of his teeth in her thigh. As he fed from her thigh he worked her with his fingers, twisting and turning in a rhythm that sent another wave crashing through her as she cried out her release.
   She felt the rasp of his tongue as her legs shook from her release. He swirled his tongue against her skin as he made his way up her body before he melded their lips together in a heated kiss. Fire raced through her blood, pooling down low as her toes curled against the bed. She felt his arousal, attempting to reach for his waist band to release him from his pants. He growled at her grabbing her hands, holding them above her head with his larger hand. She heard the movement of fabric before feeling him at her entrance.
   She cried out as he slammed into her. She dug her nails into his shoulders as he pistoned into her like a man possessed. She latched onto his arm, feeling him jerk as she fed from him. She swirled her tongue around the bite before her back began to arch up with another wave getting ready to crash through her with the force of a tsunami.
   She let out a groan when he changed pace, slowing down to long slow thrusts as he let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her head, kissing her lips in a slow and sweet kiss. She felt the wave growing again with his pace, getting more intense with each agonizingly slow stroke. She cried out as he suddenly pulled out of her. He rolled her over onto her stomach, lifting her bottom up into the air. He growled as he thrusted into her, causing another cry to escape her lips as he picked his pace back up. She felt a sting against her bottom, causing a flood of liquid heat to pool. His pace quickened as he neared his release. She felt the tidal wave getting ready to crash through her as she heard his growl. She heard his hoarse cry as he reached his release, sending the tsunami crashing through her, tearing a scream from her throat as it washed through her with the force of a category 5 hurricane.
   She fell flat on her stomach with him panting on top of her. As he regained his breath, he rolled taking her onto her side with him. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her up against his chest as he began to fall asleep with her. She snuggled into him as she heard him whisper to her.
"te iubesc draga mea(i love you my darling)"
   Darkness took her as she felt what his words meant even without knowing his native language.

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