Chapter Twenty-Four

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   She read through the 5th book that day, attempting to find anything that could help figure out what had happened with Rodrique. She had been out of the hospital for awhile, taking time to read in the library when the babies were sleeping. Thus far, she was ready to throw something with how frustrated she was becoming with the lack of useful information. She finished the current book, slamming the cover shut with a frustrated growl.
   She smelt Drake before she felt him wrap his arms around her, placing a kiss to the top of her head. She felt the heat from his body as she tipped her head up for a kiss. He eyed the piles of books she had scattered around the table with a skeptical look in his eye.
"I would ask you how it's going but judging by those piles of books I would say not very well. What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it before the babies wake up demanding food."
"I don't even know anymore. The way he talked made it sound like he had somehow bonded himself to me but I can't find anything that would suggest how. Maybe I am looking at it wrong."
"It isn't unheard of just rare for someone to do. Supernaturals of the magical species have tied themselves to others to maintain their sanity after a long period of time without their soul bearer. In all my centuries, I have only seen it done once. A few centuries ago a mage had grown weary of living due to not finding his soul bearer. Mages have an exceptional life span considering how close to humans they are, some living as long as werewolves. He had been alive for just short of 110 years when he decided to find a way to tie himself to a coven leader with her permission. They had worked nearly a decade at finding a way to do so. They documented their findings, even going as far as documenting the children they later conceived together. It was remarkable findings and gave many supernaturals hope that if they could not find their soul bearer they would have hope in saving their humanity. They had lived their lives together in peace until their deaths closing in at 250 years old. There were rumors of course of what happened if one of these pairs were to find their soul bearer and what would occur, to date I have heard nothing of any outcomes. It could be that he had tied himself to you without your knowledge and then found his soul bearer. The bond he had made to you could have drove him over the edge causing him to reject his soul bearer, leading him into a psychotic break that tipped into dangerous territory when we bonded. It would be the first case that I have seen turn out like this which could explain why you have not found anything on it. Most of the supernaturals who had themselves tied to someone else were willing participants who had not found their soul bearers."
"God why didn't I come to you first?! It would have saved so much time and we would have had a lead to try to stop him!"
   They heard the babies start to whimper, heading straight for their room. She smiled at 3 pairs of wiggling feet as each one let it be known that they were hungry. They took turns feeding each baby, changing them and placing them on their mats to build their strength. It wouldn't be long before they were all tottering about the house after them. After the babies tired themselves out, they were placed back in their cribs to get more sleep.
   She made calls to Danielle and the elders, explaining what Drake's theory was. They were still shocked that he had survived, killing supernaturals for their power. She knew the battle was coming, she just hoped the gifts the gods had blessed her with was enough to beat him and send him where he belonged. As she spoke to the elders, they came up with a plan to bring him out of hiding.
   She sighed as she hung up with her last call. It made sense of course to use her as the bait. She was what he wanted so he would come. She held the dagger in her hand that she had used on him that day, feeling as if it had happened years ago. She prayed to the gods that it would work to send him to them or surely she was going to perish before she saw her children flourish into amazing adults she knew they would be.
   War was coming and she was leading with an army of gods behind her. The plan was set and now she could only wait, enjoying her time with her family until it was her time. She checked on each baby one last time before she slowly closed the door, heading to bed with her other half. She felt the clock ticking on her, the timer readying itself to go off. She only hoped that it didn't get tripped before it's time.

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