Chapter Twenty-one

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   When they had arrived back at home, a feeling of excitement was echoing through the house as staff hustled about getting decorations put up. She waddled her way around to look at everything the staff had done. They had decorated the path through the house that lead into the backyard where there were pink and blue balloons floating on their strings, tied to chairs and table legs. The tables had been decorated for baby shower games, presents and even a table for sweet confections for guests to eat after lunch was finished. Behind the gift table floated two big black balloons with pink and blue question marks sprinkled all over them. Each staff member she saw, she thanked immensely with sincerity. They just smiled and continued their bustling about. Guests would be arriving any minute prompting Drake to lead her to an almost throne like chair seated near the front facing towards the rest of the chairs. She smiled brightly at him as she allowed him to sit her down in the chair.
   Guests began to arrive with wrapped gifts of all sizes, placing them on the gift table before approaching her to give her congratulations with hugs. Staff brought food and snacks out to the food table as her coworkers and friends poured from the back door into the backyard. She noted that the guess jar was filling up at a rapid rate as everyone showed up, pinning a corresponding ribbon to their shirts to show their votes. A diaper raffle had been announced in their invites which made her happy to see that her guests were more than willing to participate in. Some even had gone above and beyond by providing boxes of each size all the way to size 5's. She could feel the excitement building as it got closer to the time to play the baby shower games.  The last guest to arrive was her dad, bringing boxes and bags with him with a staff member in tow with even more. He took them to the gift table before making his guess on the genders and finding the grandparent chairs to the side where he would be able to see the festivities clearly.
"Ok everyone quiet down! We will be starting off this celebration with a slower game that we had found while we were searching what fun games we could play today. Now everyone if you do not have a drink please come up and get one or if you do not want one just get a cup of water for this game. Once everyone is seated we will continue with the instructions for the game. Ok now that everyone is seated again, we will be coming around with your babies! You each will be given 2 ice cubes with 'babies' in them to symbolize your waters. Once both babies have been freed completely of ice you need to shout that your water has broken. First person to shout this wins a prize! Now that this game as begun its slow start we shall get into the next game. When everyone arrived you were all given a gift bag that contains all of the pieces you will need to play the games today. Reach into your bags and get out the baggie containing the pencil and paper. Everyone ready? Good now it's time to play guess mom's belly size! Without measuring mom's belly with anything you need to look at her belly and guess how big around she is from her belly button. Once everyone is done with their guesses we will announce what her belly size is!"
"Ok everyone are you ready? Her belly size is 48 inches! Anyone guess 48 inches exactly? Oh! We have 3 people who guessed that! You three please follow the staff member with her hand raised over to the prize table to pick a prize bag. No peeking though! Once they are back in their seats we will move on to the next game."
"Ok, now that they have made it back to their seats, everyone reach into your bags and pull out your mini bingo dabber and bingo cards. Each card is played separately so we will be having 2 games of pregnancy bingo total. Everyone ready to begin? Wonderful! Each one of these bingo balls has something pregnancy related written on them. We will turn the basket until a ball falls down the shoot for us to call out. Each card has a random free space so locate it on your first card and go ahead and dab that now. When we get a bingo please retain your winning card until after the second game is complete so that the winners can go pick prizes together. Ok now the first ball is going to be morning sickness! If you have it on the card please mark it now. Next ball is ultrasound day!"
   She smiled as everyone concentrated on their cards as each new ball was called out and placed to the side. After several more balls were called someone yelled out bingo. The staff confirmed the bingo before setting up for the second round of bingo. She was startled when someone yelled out that their water broke. Staff inspected their cup before giving the thumbs up and telling them to wait until the bingo prize winners to go up to get their prize. The next round of bingo started after all the excitement ended. This round seemed to go on for a lifetime before someone had finally yelled bingo. After they had finished picking their prizes it was time to take a break and eat.
"Ok everyone listen up! We will be taking a short break for lunch so please form an orderly line starting with the older folks going to children and finally adults who came without children! Don't forget to get some confections to eat with your lunch! We will have lunch for about 30 minutes before we finish our last game of the day and then pick the prize winners from the raffle so make sure you have your raffle tickets handy after the game. Enjoy your lunches everyone!"
   Everyone made a line at the food table as they were served their lunches. Drake brought her a plate of food stacked up with all sorts of different foods on it. She tried a little bit of it all, deciding she liked it before devouring the whole plate of food. He offered her some pastries afterwords that she gladly ate. She was just finishing her last pastry when they announced that it was almost time to finish off the games.
"Ok everyone it is time to start the last game of the day! In your bags should be one final baggie. Inside you will notice a rolled up diaper and a pair of gloves. Pull out the gloves to start off with and put them on. Now carefully unwrap your diapers to see the presents that was left inside for you! First person to guess correctly at what was used inside the diaper is the winner! You must guess both items correctly! Each diaper is different and has been labeled with a number that will correspond to the answer sheet for staff to verify your answers."
"We have a winner! Go ahead to the prize table and pick a prize bag. Now it is time to finish out the games with the diaper raffle. Once everyone has disposed of their diapers and gloves, dig out your raffle tickets. Everyone ready? Ok after counting the prizes we have left we will be able to draw a total of 5 tickets. If you have already won a prize you are encouraged to let someone who hasn't won one to do so. First raffle is ticket number ending in 5763! If this your number please show the staff but please remain in your seats until all tickets have been announced. Next is 5754. 5806. 5769 and the last number is 5774. If these match your numbers then head to the prize table. If you have already won a prize please let them know if you'd like to have someone else draw number."
   They ended up drawing 2 more tickets after people got prizes to replace ones that people gave up their second prize for someone else to get one. She was so excited as she saw Drake weaving through people to help her up. It was finally time to reveal the genders! Then she would get to open gifts. He helped her out of the chair and led her to the big balloons. He handed her a fancy looking pin and waited for the staff to make the announcement.
"Ok everyone! It is now time to do the gender reveal for baby A and baby B so quiet down. Does everyone have their pins showing? We have tallied all the votes up and there was a lot for same gender twins. 45% of the same gender votes were for girls and 55% was for boys. Now those totaled to about 65% of the votes total. The other 35% was for twins that were one of each gender. So let's see baby A!"
   She stuck the pin into the first balloon. It burst showering her in blue glitter, Drake barely containing his excitement as he wrapped her up to kiss her. The staff announced the time to pop the second balloon, so she grabbed ahold of it to pop it. The balloon burst to shower her in more blue glitter. Everyone started to yell, hoot and holler at the blue glitter covering everything around her. She was shocked to hear the staff start to make a new announcement.
"Quiet down everyone we have a surprise for everyone including mom and dad. Now as you all know they were expecting twins up to this point. At her last ultrasound when she had the confirmed genders revealed there was another surprise in that envelope. Bring the 3rd balloon!"
   She felt the color drain from her face as they brought another balloon. She looked at Drake with wide eyes as his face turned white as a sheet. The announcement was made for her to pop the new balloon. She stuck the pin in, bursting the balloon. Pink glitter rained down shocking her more. 3 babies?! Where the hell were they all at in there?!
   The gift opening went without a hitch. They got a lot of baby neutral clothes, a crib, car seats and a stroller. She wondered where they were going to fit a 3rd baby. The staff helped bring everything inside, packing stuff away on the various locations while Drake took her up to bed. The goddess was full of surprises wasn't she?

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