Chapter Twenty-Five

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   They put into motion the plan they had made to draw Rodrique out. Her nerves were on the fritz from worrying about whether or not she would succeed in destroying him once and for all. She hated feeling trapped even though she knew she wasn't with all the exit plans they had put together.
   She sat in the busy bar waiting for any signs that he was there. It wasn't difficult for her to look forlorn, as she felt it with being here instead of at home with her babies. She had been in that dingy hotel room for 2 days now, her will slowly draining with each passing day that he didn't show up. Was it to much to ask for him to show up quickly?
    The holster was rubbing against her skin where the blade was hidden, irritating her further. She ordered another drink, downing half in 2 gulps before her eyes traveled around the bar for the hundredth time since her arrival. A dark corner caught her eye, feeling a presence with no visible signs of anyone being there. She went back to her drink as if she had not noticed. Was this it then? Was he finally here for her?
    She sat keeping an eye on the corner while she nursed her drink, watching the news channel they had playing near the bar she sat at. She felt the hairs on her neck stand on end as the presence got closer before a figure suddenly plopped themselves down next to her. She refrained from turning her head, keeping her senses up with eyes locked onto the tv screen.
"I knew you would come to me eventually. I've been watching you sit in here the last 2 nights. Where is lover boy I wonder? Did he throw you out when he got what he wanted?"
"I'd say it was a pleasure to see you Rodrique but it really isn't. What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"
"Busy drinking your anger and sorrow away it seems. Why can't we go back to before all this nasty business? Forgive and forget as it were before the gods cursed me to a half life. I want you back to myself. I can give you everything that he could have you know."
"I still don't understand why you would think there could have been anything with us other than the friendship we had. Even that is gone now because of what you have done."
"Come now Tonya. Isn't it obvious what they did? They cursed me with a human soul bearer! I couldn't allow that so I disposed of her. I tied myself to you using the piece of soul she held within herself. She was rather a sweet trusting young woman but it was unacceptable that she was human. I've gained power for you. All this was to show you I could be what you needed before that prick showed up and stole you away from me! Come with me Tonya. Let me show you what it could be like for you to rule this world at my side."
"I don't have any interest in ruling the world Rodrique."
"Let me show you how well I can treat you then."
"Just come outside with me."
   She stood from her seat, depositing money on the bar for her drinks, leaving a generous tip. Did he know what she was planning to do? She had no time to second guess the plan as she followed him towards the door. As they stepped through the threshold he turned to her with a smile that reminded her of the old Rodrique. That version wouldn't have wanted to live like this. Her mind set, she peered at him with soft eyes.
"I forgive you Rodrique. I release you from this realm, may your soul find peace!"
    She had palmed the blade, plunging it yet again into the center of his chest as she started her second sentence. She sent a silent prayer that the gods gifts worked for her. A rainbow of colors danced before her eyes as she heard screaming. Heat surrounded her as wind whipped her hair around, tears streamed down her face as she struggled against the force trying to shove the knife out of his chest. Electricity arced around her, flames danced and rain began pouring down in buckets as her vision darkened. She felt herself begin to fall as a flash went off behind her eyes, what felt like a gust of wind softening her fall. She heard the clank of metal hit the ground as her senses faded out yet again. One final tear slipping from her eye as she prayed that she had succeeded in sending him to the gods.

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