Chapter Three

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   Drake had moved back to his chair after his little predatory display at her insulting herself. She clicked on her tv just to have something to look at other than his glowing stare from the corner. What in the hell happened to the man to cause that kind of change? Not being as cold towards people is one thing but what she had just seen was on a complete different level. His scent floated around her, filling her lungs with ceder and cinnamon. She felt herself drift back to sleep, forgetting that Drake was in the room with her.
   She felt like she was floating, her hair drifting around her like silk strands of black and silver. She looked around herself, wondering momentarily, where her subconscious had taken her. She saw no definitive source of light emanating anywhere, just a warm glow that appeared to be all around her. She felt someone watching her as she looked around. She smelt a familiar scent enveloping her as someone wrapped their arms around her from behind. She felt their breath fanning across her neck and cheek as they took in her scent. She heard a familiar growl before she was spun around, coming face to face with Drake and his less than human side staring back at her.
"You smell of fields of lavender with sweet vanilla tossed in. I can not get enough of how you smell floarea mea sălbatică(my wildflower), never will I tire of this scent."
"Drake what are you doing? Why am I dreaming about you and what in the hell did you just call me?"
"Nothing of importance yet. You will know when it is time what is happening. As for why I am in your dream I could ask you the same. You are the one who pulled me into it I am merely enjoying the sensation of being here."
   What on earth was wrong with her dreaming about Drake? She must have been hit in the head, it seemed to be the only logical explanation. She heard a deep chuckle before it felt like someone was shaking her. She woke with a start, snapping her head up to see that the doctor was looking down at her with a concerned look on his face.
"Miss Tonya yes? I apologize it took me so long to get here to check on you. I had an emergency with another patient that took longer than I thought it would. Now I have looked over all of your stats and they appear to be within normal limits for your species. Your wound however is healing much slower than it should be. By my calculation it should have been healed or mostly healed by now and it is only about 55% healed. I would like it at least 85% healed before I let you discharge since you live on your own. I believe feeding will help the healing process much quicker. Mr.Kerien here has been informing me that he has been using his own blood. I would normally suggest a living donor however I will leave that choice up to you as the patient. If you have any questions or concerns I will be making my rounds to the other patients, you are more than welcome to have the nurse get me. Anything before I leave you?"
"Why won't the synthetic blood work for me to drink?"
"Synthetic blood is designed to sustain and nourish your body. It was a discovery made shortly after its creation that it was lacking something that real blood contained that increases the healing rate. Scientists have yet to conclude what the missing piece is. You can use synthetic if you would prefer but it is my belief that you will continue to heal at the pace you are going. If it were not for his blood, I believe you would be in much rougher shape than you are even now. You were in very dire shape when they arrived with you. If there are no more questions I will take my leave. You may discuss your options with your bonded over there glaring at me from the corner and let the nurse know of what your decision is."
"He's not...oh determine."
   She grumbled to herself as the doctor was out the door faster than she could get the denial to come out of her mouth. What is wrong with these people?! She was not a bonded pair with Drake. Up until being here in the hospital, he was more resembling an ice king with how absolutely frigid he was towards her, let alone other people near him. Can I get Dracula for 500 please Alex? She snickered at her madness before she was startled out of her mental commentary by Drake appearing in her line of vision.
"What would you be snickering at raza mea de soare(my sunshine)? As the good doctor stated we have something to discuss."
"Why do you keep saying things I do not understand and then not telling me what they mean? Also, WE have nothing to discuss. I have a decision to make but we are not a bonded pair as you have apparently led the doctor to believe which means you have no say in what my decision is."
   Her blood ran hot as he growled at her words. It felt like lava was coursing through her veins, pooling down low, making her squirm in her bed. The pain in her side was barely registering as she locked eyes with Drake. How had she ever thought he was cold when her blood was boiling at the mere sound of his predator's growl? They must have her on something, that had to be it. She has never reacted to him in such a way before this so it had to be the only explanation for her sudden behavior change.
"We may not be a bonded pair pisica mea iadului (my hell cat) but we have something to discuss none the less. I am your partner and have the right to decide what is best for you when you are being o durere în fund (a pain in the ass). If you want to get out of here quicker you with either have to feed off my blood or use a living donor as the good doctor said. Synthetic blood is off the table until you are able to get out of here and even then you will be stuck with my hovering until you are fully healed. Now pisica mea iadului (my hell cat) what shall it be?"

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