Chapter Twelve

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   They munched on their halves of the muffin Drake had got as they went over the details of the case files. She withheld her suspicions while he mulled over the information on his own to come up with his own ideas. As she waited for him to process things, she took a tentative sip of the coffee that he had given her. A burst of peppermint and chocolate flavor hit her tongue causing her to groan out loud. She looked over at Drake who was now staring at her crimson eyed.


"O să fii moartea femeii mele (You're going to be the death of me woman). Why are you groaning like that fluture(butterfly)?"

"Why do you keep reverting to Romanian when you are saying things? I was groaning because this coffee is amazing and I don't know how you knew that I would like it."

"Moartea mă ia(Death take me). It is a natural occurrence for me to revert back to my native language in times of emotional situations. The coffee is what I always get when I get coffee from somewhere unless you know...they don't have it. Anyway no more groaning I have a very thin control on myself currently and neither one of us will like the consequences if I lose it while we are still at work agreed?"

"Yea sure that makes sense I guess. So are you ever going to tell me what you are saying when you revert to your native language or am I going to have to start bringing a translator around with me so I know what it is that you are saying? We also need to figure out what direction we are going to start in for this case for headquarters."

"Eventually floare de lotus(lotus flower) I will tell you what I am saying. For now, you are correct. Lets discuss what direction you think we should go in with this investigation. Walk me through your thought process on this and see if we can make a decision."

"Well I only really had two possible situations and one I don't really think is plausible. One is that it is a human that discovered us and is trying to expose us to the rest of the world or two is that one of the magically inclined species of supernatural is trying to have us exposed to the world with unknown motives as to why they would want to. It is essentially committing suicide to expose supernaturals with the way humans react to things that scare them. In my opinion it is more likely that it is a species that is magically inclined no matter what their reason is. Who else would be able to get this many different species to act out of character in such a short amount of time?"

"That does have merit. It would explain why there was so many different species involved up to this point. They have even documented gnomes being involved, almost exposing gnomes to the world on national television. Gnomes are noted to be on the more secluded side of the supernaturals staying as far away from people as possible even other supernatural species. It is definitely out of character so we will report in to Danielle that we will be starting in that direction. Good thinking iubirea vieții mele(love of my life)."

   She smiled at his praise, wondering how she could have lived this long without him in her life. She pulled out her phone texting Danielle their suspicions, asking her where she thought they should start their investigation with that in mind. She set her phone down again not expecting a reply to come in very quickly. When her phone went off a few minutes later she was surprised at how fast she had gotten a reply. She opened her phone and paled at the text that was most definitely not from Danielle.

'You do not know what you are getting yourself into with this investigation. I will expose all supernatural species whether you try to stop me or not. If you get in my way then I will take you and that pretty boy vampire out before I am ready to. Time is running out for you so get your bonding out while you can. See you soon Tonya.'

   She gasped as the phone slipped from her fingers onto the floor of the vehicle. The sudden noise from her phone dropping startled Drake causing him to swerve the vehicle, earning a lot of horn blaring as he righted the vehicle. He pulled over into a small parking lot, throwing it in park and turning off the engine. He turned to look at her with concern written all over his face at her sudden behavior.

"What is the matter what did she say to you that caused you to drop your phone on the floor?"

"It wasn't her that texted me. It was a blocked number and it was a threat against us for investigating on this case. Who would have known that we had decided on a route to take with the investigation and how close to the truth did we get that would prompt them to try to scare us away from trying to stop them?"

"Let me see the text. I need to see what it says exactly but I think we may have a bigger problem on our hands than we initially thought. Lets get to a landline to call headquarters with. I think our cell phones have somehow been compromised. It is the only thing I can think of that they could have done to know what steps we were taking in the investigation. We need Danielle in on this, our timeline just got a hell of a lot smaller."

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