Chapter Thirteen

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   Tonya felt herself beginning to hyperventilate as they searched for a secure place to call Danielle. Drake grabbed her hand, squeezing her hand for reassurance. They found one of the security buildings that headquarters hid throughout the city for emergencies. He jumped out of the vehicle, running around the vehicle to grab her out of the vehicle, not even giving her a chance to get her feet underneath her before he was tossing her over his shoulder to run into the building. There was a lot of beeping as they entered the building. He set her down on her feet before going towards the secured office to grab the phone off the desk.  She followed behind him at a slower rate, still trying to process the fact that they had just been threatened and that someone could have infiltrated headquarters. Drake yanked her down into his lap as he sat down in the chair at the desk. He waited for Danielle to pick up the phone, tapping his foot in rapid succession with his growing irritation. 

"Why are you in the security building, those are for emergencies only! I have had no reports that would indicate that it was needed."

"Hello to you to Danielle, we are fine by the way, for now anyway. We have bigger problems right now than you being angry that you did not know we would be using one. We needed a secure line to contact you where our cell phones would be blocked from transmitting anything."

"Drake? What's going on where is Tonya?"

"She is here with me. We have a big problem Danielle. Someone has found a way to infiltrate headquarters. When Tonya tried to text you an update about what direction we were going to go with the investigation and to get any possible leads for it, she got a text Danielle. A blocked number fucking texted her, threatening her Danielle! What are we going to do about this creep?!"

"Calm down Drake! Panicking or getting angry is not going to help this situation any! Now explain to me what they sent to her and we will try to figure out how they managed to infiltrate headquarter communications."

   Drake drew in a deep breath before wrapping a protective arm around her waist to hold her closer to him. He explained everything they had devised in the car leading up to her text with the update and how the text from the block number had come in shortly after. With each minute that passed, his arm grew tighter as his fear began to mount with a seemingly undefeatable threat that no one could figure out. When he finished telling her everything, there was a silence on the other end of the phone as Danielle processed all the incoming information.

"Well this is getting worse and worse by the minute now isn't it. We will need to search every agent's phone to look for any bugs. It is safe to assume that somehow the both of you have been bugged somehow without your knowledge. This could explain how the threat has been able to remain anonymous this long without even a hint of who it could have been. They were intercepting our communications about what we were going to investigate and remaining ahead of us at every turn. This could turn the tides in our favor even with them upping the timeline of whatever big event they are planning. However, with you two being positively identified by this guy as targets I am going to have to pull you out of the field again. I am going to have to send you to one of the safe houses and your phones are going to have to be confiscated and replaced with secured ones for communications. I need you to stay in the security building I will be sending a secure team to get you and take you to one of the safe houses randomly and hopefully keep you out of this psychopath's clutches until we can get them."

   Tonya sat up straight, going rigid at what Danielle was saying. To hell with that idea! She just got back into the field she would be damned if they were going to take her back out of it! She ripped the phone out of Drake's hands, putting it to her ear to give Danielle a piece of her mind.

"Danielle, you listen here! I just got back into the field, you can't take me back out of it again just because some creep wants to gun for us! This is what we train for, literally there is an entire chapter in the textbook just on what to do when you become a target! Don't take us out of the field, please Danielle, I am begging you not to take us back out."

"Listen Tonya, I know you just got back into the field but this threat is unlike anything we have ever seen before. We don't know how they are doing what they are doing and for all we know they can get to you without even seeing you and we can't take the risk when we can take you to a safe house to protect you. I will however offer a peace offering for you. If you guys go to the safe house I will email you all the information we get. 2 pairs of eyes that are not mulling over the information in the field may help give us an edge to figure out who the hell this asshole is and neutralize the threat."

"Ok ok fucking hell fine! But you have to send us the data and keep us updated every day. You have to guarantee that you will actually do it and not just sweep us away to safety while everyone else tries to figure this out or it's a no go and I leave this security building right now and figure this out on my own!"

"I swear to you Tonya that I will give you every update available when I get the update. Satisfied?"

"Yes, now I am satisfied."

"Good because your security team will be there in 10 minutes driving a neon purple Dodge Nitro license plate DFG2154. It is team two coming to you. Do not say any names from here on out in communications until we can get the phones secured. The safe house is secured for every kind of contingency so wait until you are there to communicate any further. Wipe your phones and leave them in the safe there for examination. At this point we can't be sure if the enemy infiltrated the building. Be safe guys, we will be talking soon."

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