Chapter Twenty-Two

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   She woke up groggy the next morning, feeling aches and pains in places she didn't know was possible. She sat up and swung her legs out of bed onto the cold wooden floor. A shiver ran up her spine as she waddled to the bathroom to get a hot shower to warm up. Drake was not in bed when she had woken up making her wonder how long she had been sleeping. She has mentioned her idea about using his staff to unite the world together before they had curled up in bed to fall asleep. He had asked her how she planned to do so which she still had no idea yet. Hormones were wreaking havoc in her brain at least that's what she kept telling herself. She turned the water on before doing her business and peeling off clothes to get in.
   She stepped under the water, groaning as the heat seeped into her straight down to the bone. The fog in her brain slowly faded away allowing her a few minutes of clear thinking. How would she use the staff as an example to show the world how it could be to work along side supernaturals? A tour maybe? Or maybe a national campaign? She felt so frustrated about not knowing what to do that she found herself wishing she could just get a hint of what she should do. A sharp pain followed her thoughts as she saw red start to flow into the drain. She let out a high pitched scream as she felt herself beginning to feel faint. She heard sick laughter in her head, someone whispering to her as she slid down onto the shower floor.
'Did you really think it would be so easy to get rid of me? The goddess can't help you now. I am going to take everything you love away from you and then you'll come crawling back to me just to be able to feel something again. The little mission she gave you will implode in your face as your world comes crumbling down!'
   Her vision faded as she slipped into unconsciousness, the shower pelting her skin like pins being stuck into her. Her last conscious thought being that she hoped her babies were all ok.
   She felt the familiar feeling of floating in the ether as she peered around herself looking for the goddess to appear. Maybe she really had died this time and she felt her stomach. She was unsure how she felt that her stomach was still very much protruded with her babies wiggling around inside of her. Had she died and taken the babies with her? A flash of light startled her from her thoughts as several beings appeared before her. She recognized the beauty of the goddess before her, unsure of who it was that had accompanied her this time.
"My child you are in mortal danger and I have interfered with what they were trying to do. We gods and goddesses can not stand by as a vile creature uses our names to tear the world apart. I am afraid that the one you know as Rodrique is no longer who you thought him to be. He has been stealing the powers of the supernaturals he kills and has become to powerful for the earth realm. We can not leave our realm to come contain him but we can give you what you need to defeat him. I, the Mother of All, bestow on you the power of my knowledge. With this gift may you use it to defeat our enemy."
"I, the God of Power and War, bestow upon you the gift of battle and strength. May you use it to defeat our enemy and unite the earth realm."
"I, the Goddess of Love and Unity, bestow on you the gift of unity. May you use this gift to unite the earth realm against our enemy."
"I, the God of Protection and Innocence, bestow upon you the power to protect the innocent. May you use this gift to protect the earth realm from the clutches of evil."
"I, the Goddess of Healing, bestow upon you the gift to heal those in great need. May you use this gift to prevent the loss of innocents."
"I send you back to the earth realm with these gifts to defeat our enemy. May you use these gifts with a pure heart. One final parting gift to you before you are sent back. I gift upon you the protection of the gods so that no harm can come to your family or you as you face an evil unlike anything the realms have seen. Go now my child and return to your realm. You have exciting things coming to pass."
   She felt herself beginning to awaken as people around her were shouting out orders. She felt herself cry out as pain rocketed through her body causing her to thrash around. She felt someone holding down her arm as a pinch was felt in the bend of her arm. A cold fluid started to flood her system as the pain slowly receded to the background, allowing her to open her eyes to look around. Several gasps were heard as she peered at the faces of nurses and doctors all staring back at her in shock. She felt a wave of discomfort as a monitor beeped frantically near her.
"Tonya? Can you hear me?"
"Yes? What is happening?"
"You're in labor, we have tried to slow it down to give the babies time but you're still progressing to fast. These babies are coming right now. Do you feel the urge to push?"
"Yes what did you give me? Will it hurt the babies?"
"No it shouldn't hurt the babies. We gave you a dose of pain medication into your IV as well as a dose of medication to help prepare your babies for birth. Ok people let's go this is not a drill! All hands on deck, we are delivering these babies."
   Pain wracked her body as the minutes turned into hours as her body labored to deliver the babies. As the first one was born, she heard a shrill cry as it was handed off to a 2 person team to care for it. What felt like an eternity later another shrill cry as baby number 2 entered the world, again being handed off to another team to care for it. The last baby came out with no shrill cry to let her know it was alive. 2 remaining teams rushed from the room with the baby in their arms as the doctor at her feet set to work to deliver the after birth and stitch her up to let her healing ability take over. No one would answer her where her 3rd baby had been taken or where Drake was. She began to feel woozy as she attempted to stand to find them as she heard the doctor yelling at her. The voices began to fade away as her world went black again.

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