Chapter Two

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   Tonya began to come back to her senses. She smelled the chemicals of a hospital room, the steady beep of a machine somewhere near her and the sensation of something being pumped into her system. She cracked her eyes open, almost immediately closed them groaning at how bright the room seemed to be to her sensitive eyes. She heard shuffling and felt someone's hand touch her forehead. She smelled cedar and cinnamon and knew at least one person who had been in her room. She left her eyes closed not wanting to deal with Drake yet. She heard a button click somewhere near her. A few minutes went by before she heard the door handle move and a quiet voice spoke asking what was needed. She was surprised to hear the deep baritone voice answer who she could only assume was the nurse.
"She is groaning in her sleep again. I thought she was suppose to be healed by now and waking up. Where is the doctor, he should have been in here to check on her by now."
"I am sorry it is taking him much longer than expected to get back here. I will go page him again and let him know shes groaning in her sleep again ok?"
   She heard him grunt in response before she heard him drop himself into a chair. Why was he sitting in her room with her? Her curiosity started to itch at her mind enough that she slowly reopened her eyes to look around. Drake sat in the corner of the room near her bed with his eyes closed. His face was completely different without the cold demeanor that he usually wore. He was leaning back in the chair with his legs crossed at the ankle, his hands clasped behind his head. She decided she should find out what hospital she was in, in turn letting him know she was awake.
"Where am I and why are you here with me Drake?"
"Jesus tits woman you scared the hell out of me! You're in the headquarters hospital. We couldn't risk taking you to a regular hospital what with you not being human and all that. You're my partner where else would I be?"
"You've always been cold towards me. I figured you would be wherever it is you live instead of watching me sleep. What happened? Last thing I remember is that chunk of building falling towards me and me rolling me and whoever was on me out of the way."
"That would be me. I tackled you, covering you when the explosion went off. You saw the chunk of building falling and had rolled on top of me. When it hit the ground it sent debris flying everywhere and a piece struck you in the side. You were bleeding all over the place and not healing quick enough. I tried to get you to swallow my blood to heal you but it wasn't working. I radioed for back up from the supernatural headquarters and they teleported us here. Whoever was in that building was set up. The explosion originated from that room and the rest of the building has been condemned. Our original suspect is in custody in holding until they decide where to send him. You've been out for a few days now. They have given you a transfusion to try to replenish what you lost but you'll need to feed to finish healing your wounds. I have been dripping blood in your mouth a little at a time to speed it up. The doctor should be coming soon, he will want to know you have finally woken up. He was quite worried you hadn't woken yet, your wounds having healed enough that you should have after the second day."
"That doesn't answer my question as to why you have been by my bedside instead of being home."
"I wanted to be here. If you had not seen that piece of building coming down we would both likely either be severely injured or more likely dead. I am immortal so the prospect of being taken out in such a manner as it were has opened my eyes so to speak to how cold I have been towards the people around me. I guess I became bitter when I never found my other half as so many other immortals around me have. I have lived for many centuries alone, each one making me more bitter than the last. My demeanor will not change overnight but starting with you seems most appropriate would you not agree?"
"I suppose so. So it was you that I sat on. I am sorry that I squashed you but I am not sorry for why I did it."
"Squash me? I hardly think you squashed me. I barely realized you were there until I smelled your blood. Why would you think you squashed me?"
"Well I mean I am heavy. I am not precisely thin in case you have not taken notice to my size."
   A deep guttural growl sounded throughout the room at her admission. Her head snapping to him, noting that his ice blue eyes were now a deep crimson staring back at her. He stood slowly, keeping his eyes locked on her in a predatory stare. His movements were pure predator as he stalked towards her bed. He lowered his face towards her, his warm breath feathered across her cheek as he whispered into her ear.
"You will not and I mean will not speak about yourself in such a manner again. Do you understand iubirea vieții mele?"
"What did you just call me?"
"It is not important right now. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Drake, I understand."

I am sorry if my translation is wrong I am using a translator for Drake when he reverts to his Romanian language. It says it translates to 'love of my life'

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