Chapter Five

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   The next few days were spent with her having power struggles with Drake about her medical decisions. They made the mistake of bringing a male living donor for her to feed from which sent Drake into a rage. He has been acting out of character since she had woken up in the hospital. She refused to have a different donor brought in, feeding from the male she believed they called Ryan. In truth, it did not honestly matter to her if it was a male or female donor however with the way Drake had been acting she requested only male donors after that. It made her feel somewhat better that he would growl and leave the room, leaving her to feed in peace. A battle some would say that she had won against him.
   The doctor has been checking on her regularly, stating that she has been healing nicely since she had begun feeding from the living donors. Not as fast as he would like but healing quicker nonetheless. She was almost at her goal of 85% before she could be discharged and hopefully get away from Drake for a few days to finish healing without his constant input on what she should be doing and what she shouldn't be. The kind doctor had sent the nurse in with a change of clothes so that she could take her first shower since her arrival. The nurse helped her into the bathroom and made sure she had all of the necessities before showing her where the call button was if she needed help. Drake had disappeared as he usually did during her feedings and had not returned yet. She was taking full advantage of this fact to shower in peace. She turned the water on to get warm before stripping the hospital gown off and tossing it to the floor. She had gotten over the fact that she did not have any panties on after she had made the discovery. The nurse had brought her in a pair along with a pair of standard issue hospital scrubs. It would have to do until she could get home and put her own clothes on.
   She stepped into the shower, groaning at how good the hot spray felt hitting her skin. She let the water run down her face, wetting her hair and body. She felt the aches slowly draining from her body as the water ran down her skin. She looked over what the nurse had brought in for her to wash with. She vaguely remembered the nurse saying something about it being a donation to the hospital but did not expect what she was given. She had travel size bottles of name brand shampoo and conditioner to wash her hair with along with a travel size bottle of lavender and vanilla body wash. How odd was it that she was given body wash that was scented like her dream? Not one to smack a gift horse in the mouth, she began to wash away the grime she felt she was surely covered in. She did not know how much time had passed as she was washing herself before she heard the door bang open startling her from her thoughts.
   She stuck her head out around the shower curtain to see Drake standing there like someone had just kicked his puppy. She was shocked momentarily before anger started to flood her veins at his intrusion.
"What in the actual fuck do you think you're doing Drake?! Get out of here I am taking a shower!"
   He looked momentarily startled by her outburst before registering what she had said. His eyes dropped to the curtain, turning crimson before he looked back up to her face. She let out a gasp of shock when she saw his eyes turn red as he stalked towards her, stripping off his shirt.
"Wha...what are you doing Drake. You can't come in here!"
   He did not bother to answer as he ripped his belt from the loops of his pants and tossing it to the floor with his shirt. He stepped into the shower with her, still wearing his pants. She pressed herself into the corner as she eyed him with water cascading through his hair down his skin. She followed a particularly interesting looking droplet down his stomach to the brim of his now skin tight pants noting that there was an impressive bulge on prominent display. He reached out and grabbed ahold of her arm, yanking her into his chest causing her to grab ahold of him for support. His eyes drifted down before making their way back to her face. His eyes were still a glowing crimson before she heard him mumble under his breath.
"la naiba cu ea (to hell with it) "
   His lips came crashing down on hers before she registered anything. She erupted, fire racing through her blood, pooling deep down inside her as she felt his lengthened incisors scrape against her lip. A groan slipped through her lips as she felt his arms snake around her, hauling her up and wrapping her legs around his waist. He slammed her against the wall of the shower letting a growl rumble deep from his throat as he held her with one arm, the other planted against the wall. He bit her lip, drawing a trickle of blood. She felt his tongue lap at the trickle as she began to shake. She felt as if she were a demon possessed as she returned the favor. She could feel the slight motion of his hips as their carnal nature took over their thought process.
   A knock on the door startled them both as they ripped apart from each other. They heard the nurse asking if everything was alright as she was approaching the still cracked bathroom door. She shivered at his deep baritone voice, letting the nurse know that all was well and that she would be out in a minute for the nurse to check on things. He stepped back from her, turning the water off and handing her a towel before stalking from the room. What the fuck is happening and what the actual hell was that?!

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