Chapter Eighteen

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   She awoke with a startled breath as an explosion shook the house. She could see smoke outside the window of the bedroom. She shook Drake awake as she jumped out of bed, tossing clothes on as she made her way towards the door. He followed close on her heels as she ran down the stairs towards the front of the house. The two agents who had come with them were standing near the windows with their weapons drawn, peering carefully out from the side of the window. She took her weapon from the holster as she took the other side of the window to peer out at what had caused the explosion.
   She took a shaky breath at what she saw before her. As she had feared, there stood Rodrique with a small army of dark Fae behind him. His magic aura had changed to a deep purple, emitting an evil glow around him as the fae with him hurdled what appeared to be balls of magic at the house. The house shook with each impact, shuddering from the force of each blow. She was in awe as the house stood firm from the attacks, each one seeming to increase with each failed attempt to gain entry. She took a deep breath as she let a shout out to the fae blasting the house.
"What do you want Rodrique? How could you do this after all we have gone through?!"
"I thought it would be quite obvious by now. All these years I have been denied what is rightfully mine. Sure I have had quite the promotions in headquarters and my life was not so bad but the gods have cursed me to live a half life! Why would they curse me in such a way?! All I have wanted was to find the bearer of my piece of soul. I began to feel the shifting with you as we spent more and more time patrolling, just to have you ignore my hints. Then I met her. I thought maybe I would finally have what I have most wanted just to have the gods pull wool over my eyes! My soul bearer was a human, you see. How was I to deal with that? I felt nothing for her. No spark, no other world sign or anything! I gave it time, as the experts say to do in such cases. One long month I allowed to go by with not a single ounce of anything. I felt nothing! I felt my magic begin to escape me as my rage began to take control of me. In the beginning, I truly did not mean for what was happening as I did not wish to be exposed any more than the next supernatural. As I became more bitter, a plan began to form in my mind. The more attacks that occured the more patrols we did together and the more I began to feel. I thought there had been a mistake and that you were my soul bearer. You never seemed to feel anything but sibling love for me and I found this unacceptable so I devised this little plan. I wanted to see your reaction the longer you went without me. The attacks continued of course, I had to keep up the appearance of some vile thing creating havoc in our world while I was gone 'pursuing my soul bearer' as it were. Then that damned text came in! I felt the rage boiling my blood at you finding your soul bearer when you should have been mine! I will take that worthless vampire out of the picture and you will have no choice but to come to me to feel again. However, in the spirit of things, I will give you a different option. You come to me of your own free will and I will allow that poor excuse and the agents with you live, at least for now. I will give you 5 minutes to decide if you will be telling him good bye alive or dead."
"Tonya don't you dare! You know damn well he can't be trusted. The first chance he gets he will end us all and take you anyway. Stay inside the house he can't get to use in here for now and we will have the elders' back up soon. We just need to stand our ground in here until they can send back up."
"I am sorry Drake but I can not risk them getting into the house. If I go willingly while you stay in here then I know you will be protected at least until the elders' can get something figured out. He isn't going to hurt me, least not right away. I will find a way out of this but I need to know you are alive for it to be worth it. Promise me you will live through this Drake."
"Please don't do this. I'm begging you not to, I will do it on my knees if it will keep you in here with me."
"Promise me Drake."
"I promise as long as you promise you will get away from him intact."
"I promise you Drake."
   With a hard kiss, she exited the house closing the door firmly behind her. She took a better look at Rodrique as she walked slowly towards him, noting his sharpened teeth and black oozing looking gums. He was a far cry from what he had appeared like before he had left. What had she done to him to make him change in this manner? She felt the weight of a dagger in the waist band of her jeans as she walked, realizing Drake must have placed it there when they had kissed. She sent a prayer to the gods that she could end this before all of the species were brought down by his evil magic. She felt a surge of power wash through her as her prayer ended. Rodrique's smile faltered before dropping completely as she continued to walk towards him.
   She felt her eyes begin to glow, a bright beautiful hue of electric blue reflecting back at her from his black eyes as fear began to radiate of the fae surrounding him. It was as if they froze to their spots as she pulled the dagger from her waist band, bursting forth in a run aiming straight for the leader of the group. As she sank the dagger deep into his chest, she felt the heat of the blade as the same blue aura began to emanate from tip to hilt. Blue lightning arched from the blade sticking from his chest, striking the fae surrounding them. She looked around her, feeling as if she was in slow motion as she watched each one drop to the ground.
    She felt her energy drain from her in one big rush. The world around her began to spin in endless circles as her vision began to recede as she felt it tilt. The last image she remembered seeing was Drake bursting through the door of the house as her head collided with the dirt and gravel of the driveway before her vision went dark.
   She felt as if she was dead. She felt as if she were floating in the ether, nothing around her but endless darkness, a peaceful darkness. A sudden blinding light appeared, in its place stood a beautiful woman in flowing white robes, hair as white as snow floating about her as if it were in water. She smiled at her as she held her hand out for her to take. So this was it then, she was being lead to the afterlife by this beautiful angel like being before her.
"I am no angel my child but the mother of all. It was I who sent you my power to end a vile creature who had no business gaining the power that he had. You were a means to an end and no child you are not dead. You have been given a beautiful gift, a gift that was not given by chance. You were destined to do great things and I am here to explain what has been happening to you. It started with your parents. I appeared to them just as I am appearing to you. They knew of your greatness even before your birth and chose to give you up to keep you hidden from the supernatural world. They are now with me, having been murdered after they hid you away. I gifted you to the man you now call father as he lost his soul bearer was taken before her time was up. It is you I chose to unite the world and show the humans that there is nothing to fear of the supernaturals they share their home with. With these gifts I have given you, you will have the tools you need to show the humans the benefit of sharing their lives with us. It was always meant to be this way as there are soul bearers that are human. When you wake, you will have the knowledge you need to do what needs to be done. Now, my child take my hand so that I may send you off with the knowledge you need. God speed, my child and let all of your future endeavors bloom the fruits of your labors."
   With a flash of light she was back to feeling as if she were floating on air before she felt nothing at all.

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