Chapter Ten

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   The drive to headquarters was silent, only her wild beating heart thundering in her ears. Drake sensed something was wrong with her, reaching out tentatively to hold onto her hand. She laced her fingers through his, accepting the little comfort it offered regardless of how she was feeling about having been bonded to a man she did not know much about. She felt him give her hand a squeeze as they pulled into the garage parking for headquarters. After putting the car in park, he sighed and shifted to look at her.
"Do you plan to tell them what has happened or will we be playing this as if we are still just partners?"
"Won't they be able to tell? Won't our scents tell them what has happened?"
"More than likely however they will not ask us about it. We live in a world where finding our piece of soul could happen at any moment of time. It is simply a fact of our life so they will more than likely wait for us to say something."
"What...what do you want to do?"
"Do you want to know what I want to do or what you think I want to do?"
"What you want to do."
"I want to scream it from the roof tops, run through the halls yelling it at the top of my lungs and tell every Dick, Tom and Harry who will listen that I found you. I don't care who hears me whether it is Joe Smoe down the street or my superiors. I have waited centuries to fine the bearer of my piece of soul and no one will take it away now."
   She was in shock at his admission, though she probably shouldn't be. He was always direct with his thoughts, regardless of whether you were going to like what he had to say or not. She felt the swell of pride starting in her heart, spreading to every corner of her body. Someone wanted her and it didn't matter what she looked like! A smile slowly bloomed on her face as she looked up into his eyes. They were twin pools of molten blue staring back at her with question. How had she ever felt that his eyes were cold before? She nodded her approval at what he had said, earning her a smile that could light the empire state building. He let go of her hand to get out of his seat, coming around the car to help her out. His coat swirled around his calves as he walked giving the illusion of black mist clinging to his legs. He locked up the vehicle, taking her hand in his as they walked towards the entrance to headquarters. Agents turned their head to watch their approach, mouths hung open and shocked expressions scattered throughout the crowd. Why was it so shocking that they ended up a bonded pair? The looks on the other agents faces reminded her that she better get ahold of Rodrique to tell him before the rumors spread like wild fire. He would never forgive her if he found out through a rumor instead of from her.
   She bared her teeth at the agents staring, sending them running in every direction just to get out of her way. She heard a throaty chuckle coming from Drake, causing her to whip around to glare at him with her snarl still in place. His free hand shot to the back of her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair, before he pulled her head back his lips crashing into hers with a growl. She heard a whistle as she kissed him back. They broke the kiss and entered the building. They entered Danielle's office, still holding hands. Danielle looked down at their joined hands before starting the meeting, not missing a beat.
"Ok guys you have missed quite a bit since being out and we only have so much time before you have to report to the police department. We have a new threat in the city that has being wreaking havoc across the board. It's threatening supernaturals existence. Whoever this threat is, is involving all kinds of our species in their plot and we need to neutralize the threat sooner rather than later. This is our main priority starting immediately. Any questions, comments or concerns?"
"We need to discuss one thing quickly as well as any information you have on this threat so far."
"I have packets for you on the threat. What is it you wish to discuss with me?"
"We are a bonded pair now. It will not effect our work but we wanted you to be aware of our change in status."
"I already figured this out. Anything else?"
" that was it."
"Here is your packets, read over them, now you are dismissed."

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