Chapter Eleven

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   They left the office, the feeling of impeding doom heavy in the air. What could want to expose supernaturals to mankind? There could be nothing gained by humans finding out that they weren't as high up on the proverbial food chain as they thought they were. She let Drake lead her towards the parking garage as she mulled over what possible motives there could be. Why would any of the species wish to be exposed in such a manner? It would only succeed in making mankind fear them which in turn would cause them to want to murder them on site. She chewed on her thumb nervously as each possibility gained momentum in the bad to worse category in her brain.
   He helped her into the vehicle before walking around to the driver's side to get in. She continued to chew on her thumb as she thought of the possibilities. What if it was a human that had discovered supernaturals and was now trying to out them to the rest? No it couldn't be a human, they tended to start spouting what they saw and eventually would end up committed to a psych facility for monitoring. Unfortunate that was however convenient it was to the supernatural species as a whole. Sighing to herself, she peered over at Drake, who seemed to be mulling over the possibilities in his own mind. She reached out tentatively, rubbing her fingers across his hand that was gripping the shifter. His hand instantly let go of the shifter, lacing his fingers through hers as he brought her knuckles to his lips to place a light kiss on each one. Her cheeks turned pink at his attentions that seemed to be coming to him naturally. She peered at him from the corner of her eye, noting that he did not appear to be aware of what he was doing. She turned back to the window with a small smile on her face. She was much younger than he was even in the supernatural world. He had been alive centuries looking for the bearer of his piece of soul to the point that he had become nothing but a bitter man that was close to giving up. She had only been alive a little over a century, not having thought about the bearer of her piece of soul. She had not seen the point in searching for whoever it was, it seeming like such a ridiculous thing to do with her time when she was doing just fine on her own with her job and work partner.

   They pulled into the parking lot of the police department to attend yet another meeting for that day. Her day seemed to be flying by as they worked. While they were out on patrol, she took the time to open the envelope and read through the information that headquarters had compiled since being made aware of the threat that was being posed. There was a lot of different species of supernaturals involved in the cases that they had connected together. She chewed on her lip as she deduced that whoever was behind this was either very convincing to get that many different species to help or they were using some kind of magic to get them to turn. Her best guess would be the latter of the two options. Who would have the kind of magic that it would take to brain wipe that many different species into trying to expose themselves. When she came out of her thoughts she made the startling realization that the car was in park and Drake was no longer sitting in the drivers seat. She started to panic before she realized that they were sitting at her favorite coffee shop. How did he know that this was her favorite shop to stop at, she was certain she had never mentioned it and she had always stopped before she went to the morning meeting at the department. She looked up at the ding of the door to see Drake exiting with a bag and two cups in his hands. She leaned over and pushed his door open, taking the cups from his hands so that he could get back in the vehicle. She peered at him in questions as he grabbed one of the cups from her hand as he handed her the bag that he was holding. 

"I asked Rodrique what you usually ate when you were under stress and he said that you would always come here to get coffee. He also said that if you were feeling particularly stressed they sold a triple chocolate chunk muffin as big as his hand that you would get and then inhale. His word not mine but I am interested to see you inhale a muffin of that proportion in the amount of time that he allotted for you to do so."

"Bite me Drake.

"With pleasure doll, when, where and how hard?"

" are unbelievable, but...thank you Drake. It was very thoughtful of you to do this."

"Well you're going to be sharing that behemoth of a muffin so that is thanks enough. Lets go over what you read from the files Danielle gave us while we do our patrols. Maybe we will figure something out together."

"Ok Drake."

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