Chapter Eight

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   She woke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to return to duty. This past week had been hell not being able to work. She bounced out of bed and got ready for the day. Her appointment was in a few hours and she was feeling completely healed. Her dad was coming with dinner and a movie to take advantage of her hopefully last night at home. Drake was returning tonight and he was thinking he would be coming straight here. HA! Fat chance of that, as soon as her dad left she was locking the doors and going to bed. He can sit outside all night for all she cared. She ate her breakfast with a cup of coffee. She read on her phone, ignoring the text that had come in when she had turned it back on. Before she knew it, it was time to leave for her check up. She felt like skipping to her car with as happy as she was. Finally, she would be able to return to work and feel like she was doing something again!
   She hummed along to the radio as she drove herself to the doctor's office. Upon arrival she checked in and sat practically bouncing in her seat. It felt as if she were waiting for judgement with each tick of the clock and people getting called back before her. At the 20 minute mark, she was finally called back to be seen. They took her vitals, checked her chart and let her know the doctor would be right in. When he finally came in he looked over what the nurse had written and then checked where her wound had been. She knew there was a faint red line where they had to stitch her skin together, the only evidence that she had been injured previously. He asked a few questions, having her demonstrate that she could do various things while making notes on her chart. He made a sound of approval after finishing his exam and handed her a return to work note. She almost broke out into her happy dance. He smiled knowingly at her before leading her back out to the waiting room and saying his usual call if anything changes.
   She drove all the way home excited to tell her dad that she was going to be able to return to work finally. As she pulled into her driveway she noted that her dad had already arrived and helped himself into the house. She skipped up to her door, opening it up to to see her dad dancing around her kitchen having not seen that she had arrived. She smiled at the scene before her as he was dishing take out onto plates. She silently walked to the kitchen doorway, leaning against the door jam to watch him work. She had not truly seen him this happy for a long while. She cleared her throat to get his attention causing him to stumble. He peered at her sheepishly having been caught dancing around the kitchen.
"What did you bring good to eat dad?"
"I stopped at that chinese take out you seem to love so much and got you your favorite meal. General Tso's chicken over white rice with a side of that beef and veggies dish you like. I also picked up a comedy for us to watch while we eat. Everything is all set up I was just getting ready to take the plates into the living room. I got you an iced coffee to go with it."
"Ah yes you know me so well dad. Lets get this night going!"
   They ate while they watched the movie. She didn't know what the movie was but it didn't matter to her. This was an absolutely perfect ending to her night. After the movie had ended her dad helped clean up dinner before giving her a tight hug before he set off to head home. She locked up the house and headed up to her room. 9 P.M. was an early night for her. She was eager to return to work finally after being gone for what felt like an eternity. She changed into a new pair of boy shorts and a tank top before she climbed into bed. She began to wonder if Drake would actually try to show up even after she had told him not to. A part of her wished that he would and she promptly squashed that part down to the back of her mind as she snuggled under the covers to go to sleep.
   A noise brought her out of her slumber a short while later. She peered sleepily at the clock noting the time was 12:21 in the morning. Before she could get up to investigate a pair of crimson eyes appeared in front of her, causing a startled gasp to slip through her lips. Drake stalked towards her with purpose as she scurried towards the other side of the bed, not making it far before he had grabbed her ankle and yanking her back towards him. He crawled onto the bed positioning himself over top of her, pinning her arms above her head. She let a hiss of anger out as her eyes shifted to crimson to match his.
"What in the actual fuck Drake?! Get off of me! How did you even get in here?!"
"I told you that we needed to talk. I warned you not to dismiss me femeie cu scuipat (spit fire woman) and you did not listen. Now we do this my way. Are you ready to listen to me now or shall I remain in this position and tell you anyway?"
"I do not have to listen to a thing you say it's 12:30 in the morning you psychopath! Come back and talk at a normal hour!"
   He growled, repositioning himself to pin her hips down with his own. He held himself above her with his free hand as he looked down at her. She growled back at him, shifting herself to try and buck him off of her. She did not succeed, only managing to shift herself against his groin earning another growl. She could feel the bulge forming against her as his eyes dropped from her face. She made the realization that her breasts were almost out of her top when his eyes landed on them. She tried to free her hands to cover them only getting a growl in response. His eyes slowly drifted back to her face as his head began to lower. When his lips connected with hers, she felt the familiar volcano erupt somewhere inside of her sending scorching heat through her veins. She bit down on his lip, lapping at the blood that began to run from the bite. She felt the jerk of his hips against her with each swipe of her tongue. He sat up using his free hand to tear the front of her shirt open before he lowered his head suckling on one breast before moving to the next. She arched against him with a groan. She felt his tongue swirling earning another groan from her. She felt him shift his hips, then the tearing of her shorts. He kept his attention on her breasts as she heard the zipper of his jeans. He positioned himself, surging forward as he bit down causing a cataclysmic response from her. She felt overwhelmed with the sensation of exploding as his hips pistoned and him feeding from her breast. He lapped at the bite as it began to heal. He continued to piston inside of her as she arched up latching onto his shoulder with her teeth. She felt the jerk of his hips as she fed, licking at the wound as it sealed itself. She began to thrash back and forth as another wave began to build inside of her, afraid she really would blow apart this time. He let go of her hands, hauling her up into his lap as he continued at the pace he had set, holding onto her waist as he went. She braced herself on his shoulders as the wave came crashing down causing a scream to erupt from her throat. His lips crashed against hers as he growled with his own release before he collapsed backwards onto the bed. He held onto her as they both let the darkness take them to a sated sleep. Her last thought as she drifted off was how he never did make it to talking.

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