Chapter Nineteen

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    She awoke to the familiar sounds of machines beeping, the smell of antiseptic chemicals and the feeling of fluid moving up her arm. Had she dreamt everything and was still in the hospital from her original injury? Surely she had not slipped into madness that quickly to have dreamt such things up?
    She felt a calloused palm holding onto her hand in a vice like grip. She pried her eyes open to look around at her surroundings. She felt her heart pick up speed as the realization hit her that she had not been dreaming as she noted that the hospital room she was in was not the same one she had been in before. She heard a groan at the increase of beeping on the monitor and looked over to see a pale sunken looking Drake stirring from slumber in a chair next to her bed. His eyes opened to look at her sleepily causing her to note that their usual vibrancy was now just a dull blue.
    She watched in awe as the dull blue began to change to a crystal blue as he realized that she was awake staring back at him. He stood from his chair so quickly that the chair tipped over landing with a resounding whack. He pulled a cord on the wall she could only assume was some kind of call light before he wrapped her in a steel hug. She felt wet droplets land on her bare skin as his shoulders sagged and shook.
   A nurse came flying into the room shortly after, realizing she was awake and taking off back out of the room. Drake had yet to let go of her as she felt his shoulders continuing to shake. The nurse returned shortly after with a doctor in tow behind her. They ran vitals on her bustling about the room in a rush. The doctor made notes to her chart before prying Drake from her to check her eyes and various other wires attached to her that she had not noticed before. He pulled up a chair next to her, still holding onto the chart as he eyed her monitor for a minute longer.
"Hello again Miss Reveries. I am Doctor Brenden I took care of you when you came in with the injury in your side. How are you feeling right now? Any pain anywhere?"
"Just a pounding in my head. Why am I here now? What happened to me?"
"What is the last thing you remember before waking up here?"
"I'm not sure. I remember being trapped at the safe house and Rodrique showed up. I went out to give myself up so that Drake and the other agents would be left alive. I felt the knife that Drake had slipped in my waist band as I was walking towards him and praying to the gods that I could end it before he got any further with his plans. I felt like a power surge had been sent through my body into the knife as I grabbed the hilt to pull it free. I felt the knife bearing into his chest and blue electrical surges leaving the knife and striking the small army he had with him before everything went dark. I had a dream that a goddess appeared to me. She said she was the mother of all and that she had plans for me to unite humans and supernaturals. It was a dream right?"
"I am not so sure. You have been out closing in on 2 months Tonya. Your eyes are different. We thought it was a reaction to the trauma of what happened but they are still the same color even now. I have no explanation for what happened. Your eyes went from the original hazel to a very interesting shade of electric blue that appeared to intensify, dare I say even glow, in times of increased mental stress. I thought maybe it was a side effect of hormone increase however I have not seen any noted cases in the past either."
"What do you mean hormone increase?"
"Oh! Right you did not know yet. Well, you're pregnant Tonya. Based of progression and your species I would estimate you are due in another 2 months. Keeping in mind that the gestation period for your species is much quicker than most, even beating werewolves gestation of 6 months. I have told Drake the genders should you like to know them."
"Well yes. As in 2 to be specific. Drake can explain everything on that and you can just ask me any questions you have afterwards. He has all the check ups and ultrasounds so if you don't have any medical questions I will take my leave so he can get to explaining that part of things."
"Ok um thanks Dr.Brenden."
   With a nod, he left the room with the nurse, a soft click of the door closing letting her know that they were gone. She turned to peer at Drake, waiting on him to begin. He looked at her sheepishly before reaching down and picking a folder up from underneath his chair. He handed it to her before moving back to the side of her bed as she opened the folder. The folder contained several ultrasounds and check up reports documenting the growth of each baby she carried. She dropped a hand to her stomach as she read, shocked to feel a rounded stomach under her palm. She rubbed her hand back and forth as she read, nearly jumping from her skin as she felt something rolling against her. She had never been around any other pregnant vampires to see the actually progression.
   A knock sounded at the door startling her again from her inner monologue. The door opened up enough that someone could pop their head in. She smiled as she realized that it was her adopted father, looking unsure of his welcome.
"Come in dad, it is safe."
"I came as soon as Drake had texted me that you were awake. I should have asked if you were up for visitors but I just was so worried about you that I had to see you for myself."
"Dad breathe I am ok. So is your apparent grandchildren in case he hasn't mentioned that yet."
"Oh yes he did tell me. I was so happy about being a grandpa. Imagine me, a grandpa!"
   She smiled at his enthusiasm as she remembered what the goddess had told her about his past. If he had not lost his soul bearer unexpectedly then she never would have known him and known what love was. He has poured the love he had into her and she would be grateful to him for being her dad for all of eternity regardless of how unsure she was feeling about the future.

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