Chapter Nine

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   Her senses slowly began to return to her as she heard the blaring of an alarm clock somewhere near her. The scent of cedar and cinnamon smacked her right in the face, bringing back the events of early morning in rapid succession. She bolted up right, peering around her room, looking for Drake. He was nowhere to be found in her room, though she was now dressed and covered in her comforter. Had she dreamt what had happened? She ripped the covers back in frustration, shutting off the alarm clock with more force than necessary. She walked to the bathroom to do her business and shower for her first day back to work. She had laid out her uniform the night before in her excitement to finally return and checked to ensure herself that it was all still where it should be. Grumbling to herself about how she had such a vivid dream, she started the shower to heat up the water. She peered at herself in the mirror, noting that sleep must not have done much good with her dreams as she noted the bags under her eyes.
   Her eyes drifted down as she removed her tank top nearly dropping to the floor in surprise when she noticed the mark on her breast. Nestled around her areola was what she could only describe as an intricate looking infinity knot with teeth marks in the center of the design. She got into the shower with thoughts stampeding through her brain making her head ache. What the actual fuck was going on and where the hell was Drake?! She washed and dressed in a daze as she attempted to put pieces of a puzzle together. She felt like she had missing pieces, hell, she probably had the pieces to the wrong damn puzzle!
   She made her way down the stairs, stopping part way down to sniff the air. Who the fuck was in her kitchen cooking? She jumped the last few stairs, heading straight towards the kitchen with the intent of causing bodily harm. She stopped dead as she noted a shirtless Drake standing near the window with coffee in his hand, peering out watching something that had caught his attention. When he turned to the stove to stir whatever was causing the heavenly scent, she noted that he had a similar mark on his shoulder outlined in deep crimson. As he shut off the burner he turned and nearly dropped his coffee cup seeing her standing in the doorway, no doubt drooling at this point with how long her mouth had been open. He cleared his throat as he set his cup down, busying himself with dishing out the food he had cooked.
"I uh... I have a lot of explaining to do this morning. I made breakfast so could you eat that instead of me? At least for now anyway."
"Fine. You better get to explaining then because I am ready to do bodily harm in a bad way right now."
   She plopped down in a chair sliding a plate towards herself to eat. As she took her first bite she nearly groaned at how good it tasted. He slid a cup of coffee towards her as he sat across from her, taking a bite of his own food. She waited patiently for him to get his thoughts together before he began to explain what was going on.
"Well for starters I guess I need to know how much your adoptive father has explained to you about how bonded pairs work so I will know where to start."
"He has explained enough for me to know what it is so I suggest you start at what the hell is going on with whatever this is between us."
"Well we are bonded now. Fully, irreversible, completely bonded."
"No fucking shit get to the how part."
"I began to suspect we were meant to be a bonded pair after our first month of being partners. Littles things, at first that I had begun to notice. Every time we worked together, the bitterness inside of me slowly receded until I did not feel it anymore. When I was near you it was like a switch being flipped. I felt like I was hooked up to power lines, my whole body felt energized. I thought I would start throwing sparks with how much energy I felt surging through my system. Then of course the healing factor sealed it for me. Insignificant injuries were taking much longer to heal, then you were hospitalized and it took so much longer than they expected for you to heal. For the first time in centuries I felt gut wrenching fear that I would lose you before I could tell you my suspicion. It was not my intention for this to go as fast as it did so for that I apologize."
"So you have known for weeks now and did not bother to mention anything to me until after it was already done?! What the hell Drake! Now what are we going to do?!"
"Whatever you want to do. We can continue on as if it has not happened or we can move forward as a bonded pair and see where it takes us. For now, we must leave, first shift back and all that."
"Well hurry up and get dressed then. You can't report to work half dressed!"
   He looked down and smirked as his eyes glittered with amusement. He reached behind his back, producing his signature black shirt and coat. How had she not noticed he had them sitting on his chair? She was losing her damn mind that is how! They went to his mustang that he had parked in her driveway, blocking her car in. She glared at his smirk as she let him lead her to his car. A sudden dread filled her as they made their way to headquarters for their morning meeting. Something bad was going to happen, she could feel it.

This is kind of what I envisioned their marks to look like. Let me know what you all think!

 Let me know what you all think!

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