Chapter Seven

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   She ended up texting Rodrique to ask how he was doing with his pursuit, he had yet to answer her so she hoped that it was a good sign. She took the time to clean the house up which did not take nearly as long as she had wanted it to. She had not heard anything from Drake since his departure and truthfully she did not know what to think about it. She hadn't texted her adopted father yet to ask what it was about mostly because she felt like it was an awkward subject for a woman to be asking a man about. She figured he would probably answer so maybe it was just her that would feel awkward. She chewed on her thumb nail, debating on what she should do. She really wanted to know what the deal was but at the same time she was worried about what his answer would be.
   As she was mentally waging a war with herself, a knock sounded on her front door. She slowly made her way towards it, knowing it was not one of the scheduled pop ins that Drake had scheduled for her. She peeked out through her peep hole and was momentarily shocked at the fact that her father stood on the other side. She opened the door and gave him a hug.
"Dad what are you doing here? I thought you would still be out on your mission until next week?"
"I was given the all clear to come back and check on you when they got word to me that you had been injured in the field. Maggie and her partner took over the assignment. Come let's have some coffee and you can tell me all about what happened."
   She let him in, closing the door after him. He went to the kitchen making a sound of approval at the coffee just finishing up brewing. He grabbed cups and poured them each a cup before plopping himself down at the island, sliding a cup towards her. She told him what had happened, even including Drake's sudden change in temperament. At his go head, she explained what had happened in the hospital, when finished she sat back and waited for him to finish digesting what she had told him. She could see the thoughts flashing through his mind as he went through all the information before he finally looked up at her with a confused look on his face.
"Do you happen to remember any of the words he said that you didn't understand?"
"Um let me think a minute. Dragoste (love) I believe was one of them. Do you know what it is?"
"Yes as a matter of fact I do know what it is. It is Romanian and it means love. Did all of the things he said sound like the same language to you?"
"Yes definitely sounded the same to me. So what does all this mean. No one went over this kind of thing when I was growing up. I am so confused, feels like I have done something wrong."
"No I don't believe you have darling. It is partly my fault, having had just lost my love shortly before finding you. In truth you most likely saved me from following her to whatever afterlife us supernatural beings go to when we perish. You were a gift in my otherwise bleak life and I have done you a disservice not explaining this part of things. This would normally fall to the woman to explain so in my advanced years I did not think of the consequences of not taking the initiative. I believe that this Drake is your other half. We each are given a piece of someone else's soul to hold until we find them. Once we do our souls ignite and fuse together. Often times it will begin to manifest itself in loss of control, usually described as carnal attraction. Most of the species have similar experiences and have been taught what it means so I have truly dropped the ball so to speak. My best educated guess based off the information that you have given me is that he has sought out an elder from his roots. From the sounds there are not to many who would be considered elder to him, so assuming he went to the closest that would be oh...roughly 4 hours from here in a small village. It would be the only thing that makes sense if he is coming back before you are cleared to return to work. Speaking of which, when is that?"
"I have my check up tomorrow afternoon to see if I am cleared to return to work. They were concerned about me not healing as fast as I should have been."
"Ah well that settles that then. A symptom of having met the bearer of your little piece of soul is that your healing slows down usually about a month but has been known to extend upwards of 3 months depending on how long it takes for the individuals to come together. I figured your doctor would have figured out what was happening before now. He is supposed to be well renown for his medical practice with a wide variety of us supernaturals."
"I have a feeling he might have known and was told not to say anything. So what does it mean, him taking off and not telling me anything? I feel as if he does not want me."
"Oh..oh! Honey I don't think that is what is going on at all! From what you have explained to me I believe he is seeking an elder to ensure himself that he is truly feeling what he is feeling. The man has been around for a long time and is probably just as confused as you are even if he was taught what is was doesn't negate that he may be feeling unsure of himself having waited so long for the bearer of his piece of soul. Give it time darling he will explain himself in his own time. Now, how about I treat us to some take out since my schedule is cleared for the next few days."
"That sounds like a good plan dad."
   The rest of the afternoon was spent eating and laughing. She did not have any more thoughts about Drake or Rodrique until her father took his leave for the night, promising to bring dinn3r the next night for them to eat and watch a movie. She smiled to herself as she went up the stairs towards her bedroom, wondering how she had gotten so lucky as to have him as her dad regardless of him being her adoptive dad or not. She stripped out of her clothes from the day, putting on a pair of boy shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed. She plugged her phone into the charge cord, noticing she had messages. She opened her inbox and smiled at seeing Rodrique's name. She saw another text, surprised that it was from Drake as he had not said anything to her since disappearing. She clicked on Rodrique's message first to see what it was he had to say.
'Everything is going wonderfully! Hope you aren't missing me to much and haven't eaten your partner yet. You have a few months before I return so you will have to wait! Miss you bunches'
   She smiled at his usual way of texting and sent a quick message back to let him know she missed him. She debated on whether to open Drake's or not before her curiosity got the best of her.
'I will be returning tomorrow night sometime late in the evening. We need to talk. I will be arriving at your house around midnight.'
'You most certainly will not be coming here and definitely not at midnight! My doors get locked before I go to bed and I am not staying up just for you to talk to me. You can wait until morning like a normal person!'
'Don't test me dragoste (love) you will be up and waiting for me.'
'Bite me.'
   She shut her phone off, grumbling at how he expected her to stay up just for him. She most certainly will not be waiting up for him!

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