CHAPTER THREE; humongous bighead

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~Y/N's POV~

For dinner that night, Tom the barman and innkeeper had to put three tables together so we could eat in a group. I sit with Fred on my left, George on his left and Ginny on my right. We ate five different courses then.

"How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, dad?" Fred asks as we were eating a delicious chocolate pudding for dessert.

"The ministry's providing a few cars." Says Mr Weasley.

We all looked up at him.

"Why?" Percy asks curiously,

"It's because of you, Perce!" Says George, seriously. "And they'll have little flags on the bonnet with HB on them-"

"-for humongous bighead" says Fred

Everyone except Percy and Molly snort into their pudding.

Fred and George high-five each other under the table.

It's amazing how the two of them think of those things so fast.

"Why are the ministry providing cars, father?" Percy asks again, bluntly. Giving his younger brothers an angry glare.

"Well, as we don't have one anymore," says Mr Weasley, glancing over at Ron and Harry, "and as I work there, they're doing me a favour..."

His voice was casual, but I noticed Arthur's ears going a little red at the tip, like Fred's do when he's embarrassed, George's do when he's mad and Ron's do when he's under pressure.

I decided to slightly change the subject.

"I have to leave early in the morning. My uncle is taking me to Kings Cross."

Molly smiles at me, "that's fine dear."

Fred looks confused. "why?" He asks

"Oh...he didn't say." I lie, "but I'll see you there! I'll even save a compartment for you, me, George and Lee." I smile as everyone else goes back to their own conversations.

"Maybe it has something to do with...Sirius." George whispers, I glance over at him with an annoyed look.


"I don't know. Just a thought. Sorry." George went back to eating his pudding.

After we ate dessert, we all sat talking, and Percy decided to try and start a conversation.

"I can't believe Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban." Percy said, "probably to kill more mu-"

"Shut up humongous bighead!" Fred growled, noticing how uncomfortable Percy's words were making me feel.

"Yeah, you bloody git!" George added with a frown.

"Fred! George!" Molly snapped at the twins, "watch your language and don't be so rude!"

"But mum! Percy was making Y/N uncomfortable." George replies.

Molly looks to me and I nod in agreement.

She sighs, "Boys, just try and use more polite language next time. Percy please don't talk about that, it's a very touchy subject." I smile at Molly. "Sorry Y/N, dear. I didn't realise."

"Its fine, Molly. Really." I smile and go back to reading my book on Werewolves. When Molly looks away I relax my face more. I hate it when people talk about dad like he's some kind of. Monster.

And even if he is. He's still my father.

"You sure you're okay Y/N?" Fred whispers


George stands up and taps Fred's shoulder. Fred stands up after, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to the room they were sharing.

"Freddie! Why do I have to come?" I sigh as he pulled me up the stairs, following his twin who ran up a few seconds earlier.

"You'll see." He smirks.

When we get up the stairs, we see George leaving Percy and Ron's room.

The three of us rush to the twins room. Fred shuts the door and George flashes something silver and shiny at me.

Percy's Head Boy badge.

"We're going to add some more letters to it." He grinned. "Fix it up a bit."

"Don't add too many letters to it or Percy will notice." I laugh.

"We're only going to add three." Fred grins

"B-I-G" George copies Fred's grin.

"Bighead boy. Wow" I snicker, "butthead boy would be better, but four letters is too risky."

The twins nod in agreement then carefully add the three letters. We hear footsteps come up the stairs and voices talking. A door closes and someone yells.

"WHERE'S MY BADGE!?" Percy roars from his room.

"I don't know!" Ron snaps back. "I need to go get Scabbers rat-tonic, I think I left it at the bar-"

"You're not going anywhere until you find my badge!" Percy's very grumpy now.

"I'll get the rat-tonic, Ron." I smile, "and Perce. Maybe you left your badge downstairs. Don't yell at Ron." I say.

Percy huffs and stomps downstairs.

"What a drama queen!" I roll my eyes.

"Fred and George took it, didn't they?" Ron asks me. I go to answer, but someone beat me to it.

"Yeah we did!" Fred whispers.

They hear Percy coming back upstairs, so George tosses the badge onto Percy's bed and runs off with Fred.

I go downstairs to get Ron's rat-tonic, when I hear Ron talking to Percy.

"Look Perce! There's your badge, you left it on your bed!" He stated. I snicker and bring the rat-tonic up to Ron.

Percy's badge now read, 'bighead boy' and he didn't notice when he put it on.

Ron sniggers but neither of us say anything.

"Goodnight Percy, goodnight Ronniekins!" I trudge down the hall. "Night Georgie. Goodnight Freddie."

"Goodnight Y/N" they say in unison.

I walk to my room, get changed and fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow.

~Fred's POV~

"Goodnight Freddie!" George mocks me when Y/N leaves our room.

"Oi, shove off!" I roll my eyes.

"You two are so in love! Just get married already!" George laughs and I kick his leg from where I'm sitting. "Oh come on Freddiebear, you know you love her!"

"Don't call me that, George!" I hiss, "and I...I don't love Y/N. Not in that way."

George smirks, "sure sure."

"You two need to go to bed!" Mum calls from behind the door.

"Yes mum!"

I get up and into my pyjamas, brush my teeth and slip into bed.

"Goodnight Freddie!" George says in a high pitched voice, trying to sound like Y/N.

"Goodnight George." I roll over and go to sleep. Ignoring my twin's muttering about trying to get Y/N and I together.

He clearly won't give up. It's not that I don't like her, it's that she wouldn't like me. I mean, she's smart, beautiful...while I'm poor, awkward and can't pass Transfiguration without help.

I know George can tell I'm lying. He knows somehow, and he won't rest until I admit that I like her.

1097 Words

Hey, sorry for the short chapter. I promise they'll get better and longer as the chapters go on.

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