CHAPTER FORTY-THREE; the second task

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~Y/N's POV~

When I woke up Harry, Ron and Hermione where nowhere to be seen. None of them were in their dorms or the common room. Maybe they were already headed to the black lake for the task. I quickly got dressed and waited outside Fred, George, Lee and Lewis' dorms.

"Hurry up you four!" I said while banging on the door.

"Yeah yeah, we're coming." Lewis yawned.

"Be a little patient, woman!" Lee called.

The dorm door opened after a few minutes and the four boys began to walk down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and followed them.

"Well that was rude." I scoffed when I got to the common room.

"Y/N?" Lewis looked confused. "We though you were down here already."

"I was right next to your door you dimwits." I then yawned while rubbing one of my eyes.

"Bit tired there, Love?" Fred asked teasingly.

"I did stay up until midnight working on the task with Harry." I stated before looking around the bustling common room. "Where is Harry?"

"I'm not sure." George looked around. "I haven't seen Ron or Hermione either. Not since we took them to McGonagall yesterday."

That got me even more worried. None of the three fourth years had been seen since yesterday. I'm not even sure if Harry made it back from the library.

"Come on Y/N. I'm sure they're fine." Fred slung his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go get some breakfast before Georgie and I have to go get bets."

"Yeah, okay." I shot one last look around the common room before going down to the Great Hall.

The Hall itself was bursting with chatter and laughter. Students were talking about the task, who they thought would win, what they think the task is and so many other things. Not a single normal conversation in the entire room, not even from the twins. But hearing something normal from those two is extremely far-fetched.

As I stuffed the rest of my breakfast into my mouth Fred and George stood up with their suitcases and said they were going to go collect bets. And when they finished their breakfast, Lee and Lewis joined them. The girls came down and ate breakfast before leaving as well. The tournament was starting in ten minutes and Harry was no where to be seen.

I figured he'd be down at the lake already so I started heading down. I was right near the dock when Harry came bounding down the hill behind me and pulled me into a boat.

"Harry what the hell!? I haven't seen you all morning and now you're-"

"Y/N, I love you, really, but please shut up." Harry shifted uncomfortably in the boat with one of his legs jittering uncontrollably.

"Did you find anything you could use?" I asked when we were almost at the stands.

"Dobby gave me some gillyweed." He told me.

"Gillyweed! Why didn't I think of that?" I sighed as the boat pulled up to where the tournament was to take place.

"See you later, Y/N/N." Harry then ran over to the judges table without another word.

I pushed through the crowd until I found Fred, George, Lewis, Lee, Angelina, Alicia and a few more Gryffindors.

"There you are Y/N!" Fred exclaimed taking my hand in his and pulling me closer to the group.

"Freddie here thought you fell in the lake and drowned." Lee joked and Fred shot him a glare.

"Well Freddie, y'know I can swim, right?" I snickered and he rolled his eyes.

BUTTERFLIES; fred weasley x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now