CHAPTER FOUR; the hogwarts express

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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up at 5:30 am and sat up in my bed. My uncle would be here soon. I quickly get dressed and put on my boots. I grab my satchel just as Tom knocks on my door.

"Uh..Miss Black. Mr Lupin is here to collect you." He splutters out, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh, thank you Tom!" I say cheerfully. He seems to be afraid "Could you please help me with my trunk?"

He agrees and we carry the trunk downstairs to Remus' car. I quickly dash upstairs to get my last few things like Stanley the Toad.

By the time I was finally finished getting ready and left my room, it was 6:00 am.

I sigh and look up at the leaky cauldron.

"Don't worry, Y/N. You'll see them later today." Remus says with a tired tone.

"I know." I say as I stifle back a yawn, while Remus drives to our house to get a few more things of his.

I sit in the car and stroke Stanley's head.

Remus soon comes out of the house with his trunk. I hop out the car and we grab all the bags. I hold Stanley tight in one hand and grip the strap of my satchel with the other.

Remus pulls out his wand and holds it out to the street, "lumos" he mutters as I check my watch.

Suddenly a tall purple bus appears on the street in front of us. A tall-ish, lanky man with messy brown hair and grey eyes steps out of the door.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand and climb aboard. My name is-"

"Stan Shunpike and you'll be our conductor this morning, yes I know the drill. Been here before." Remus rolls his eyes at the conductor and hands him 22 sickles since it costs 11 per person to get to London from our house.

"King's Cross Station, please." I say politely. Stan tells the driver, Ernie, this and off we go.

In about three minutes, we arrive at the station. We hop off and get trolleys for our bags.

"I can't believe I have to take this train again." Remus smiles, but sighs when he sees a Sirius Black poster on the wall as we walk into the station. Even the muggles know about my father, the ministry must really want him back in Azkaban.

"It's not that bad, Remus!" I laugh as we get closer to platforms 9 and 10.

We run through the wall and sure enough, the Hogwarts Express is pulling into the station.

6:30 am, my watch read. I didn't know the train got here this early.

"We can get you a good compartment!" I giggle. It was a bit of an inside joke between the twins and I, because in our third year we had put dungbombs in all but one compartments. We had rushed onto the train telling Molly we 'just want to get a good compartment". I look to Remus who smiles

"That's okay, Y/N. I know exactly where I'm going to sit." We board the train, me still gripping my toad tightly and Remus holding his suitcase. I follow Remus to a compartment, three compartments down from the very back of the train.

I went to ask why he wanted to sit in this compartment until I notice a carving on the wall near the window.

'Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail' and a little carving under it 'and Lily'

I smile at the carving. Remus must've sat here with dad and Uncle James when he went to Hogwarts. Of course he would miss his friends, three are dead and one's in Azkaban.

BUTTERFLIES; fred weasley x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now