CHAPTER ONE; first year

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~Y/N's POV~

"Come on Y/N! You don't want to miss the train!" I heard my Uncle call from downstairs as I rushed around my room.

"Yeah, just a second! I can't find- oh there he is!" I picked up my pet toad, Stanley, off of my dresser and rushed downstairs.

"Sorry Uncle Remus, Stanny here was trying to get away!" I said, frowning at my toad who had the sleeve of my navy blue sweater in his mouth. Remus chuckled.

"Good thing you found him then, eh?"

"Yeah" I said as I quickly tied up my shoelaces, keeping a close eye on Stanley, while Remus loaded my trunk and things into the small car.

I run to the car and sit in the back seat. My left leg was bouncing around like crazy. "Got everything?" Remus asked.

"Yep! I can't believe I'm finally going to Hogwarts!" I was very exited. I had been waiting for this day since I was born. I was finally going to learn how to use magic. PROPER MAGIC! Of course it wouldn't be much because I was only in first year, but still!

"I know!" Remus gave me a small smile, "your father would be...proud"

"Remus you act like he's dead!" I muttered. Remus flinched as he started the car.

"I know Y/N, and he's as good as. Azkaban is pretty much death." Sighed Remus, he then began to speak in a worried tone. "You know you can't say anything about him at school. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed and looked out my window, where our house was leaving my view.

My father was sent to Azkaban eight years ago, when I was only three. I remember the day so vividly. I have nightmares sometimes, his screams echo in my head and all the yelling... I've had to live with my Godfather, Remus Lupin, since my mother passed a few days after my birth. My father was sent to Azkaban for the murders of Peter Pettigrew and multiple muggles and for working with You-Know-Who. Of course, I don't believe that, when I knew my father he was kind and funny. He loved his friends, he would have never done that to Peter, or James, or Lily.

"You okay back there Y/N?" Remus asked as he parked the car.

"Yes, brilliant!" I forced a smile and hopped out of the car. My uncle put my trunk and other bags onto a trolley while I kept a tight grip on Stanley, not wanting to lose my first ever pet.

We quickly walked through King's Cross Station, trying to get to Platform 9 3/4. I ran through the wall between platforms 9 and 10, and immediately bumped into two boys. Both looked around my age and had flaming red hair.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled, trying to move myself and my trolley out of the way.

"'S alright!" One of the boys said, as he and I'm guessing his twin brother turned to face me. "It's our fault, we were in the way."

Remus came through the wall just as a woman called the two boys over.

"George! Fred! Come here you two!"

The two boys smiled, "see you later!" One said, then the twins ran off to their mother.

"Who're they?" Remus asked, smiling.

"Oh, just some boys I bumped into." I laughed as the Hogwarts Express whistled loudly.

"Okay, you better go." Remus pulled me into a hug. "Cause mischief, but not too much or the Professors will go a bit mad." I giggled at his words, waved and went onto the train to find a seat.

I sat down in an empty compartment and looked out the window to try and spot Remus. I noticed a big family full of red heads. The twins from earlier were among this crowd, being squeezed into a hug from their mother, while two older boys walk onto the train. A younger boy and girl standing by their mother. The slightly taller twin whispers something into the girls ear, causing her to giggle. They then waved and joined their brothers on the train.

I checked my watch. 11:00 am. I waved to Remus as the train left the station. I sighed to myself "this is going to be a lonely train ride."

As if on cue, the compartment door slid open and the twins walked in with another boy with darker skin and chocolate brown hair behind them.

"Can we sit here?" The slightly shorter twin asked.

"Sure" I smiled, gesturing to the empty seats around me. The shorter twin sat next to me, and the other two boys sat across from us.

"Hey, you're that girl from earlier!" The twin sitting across from me said.

"Uh, yeah."

"My name's George! George Weasley." He smiled

"And I'm Fred Weasley!" His twin followed, mimicking the same smile from where he was sitting.

"I'm Lee Jordan." The third boy said.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Y/N...Black." I said, the three boys' eyes widened.

"Like...Sirius Black?" Lee asked. I began to worry. What was I going to say?

"Uhm...." I looked down. "Yeah." I mumbled

"Wait. Really?" George asked. I nodded.

"That's fine, you seem cool Y/N." Lee smiled and all my worry washed away. They didn't care about Sirius.

"So, Y/N, tell me. Do you like pranks?" Fred asked with a smirk forming on his lips.

I give the boys a huge grin, "I just happen to like pranks very much."

"Wicked!" The twins exchanged exited glances.

"I can tell we're all going to be great friends." Lee said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

I laugh, "my uncle told me not to cause too much mischief." The three boys frown at my words. "Oh calm down, I'm sure he won't mind if I do."

They all grin again. Suddenly Stanley jumps from my hands and hops towards the open compartment door. "STANLEY!"

Fred gets a hold of the toad and hands him to me. "Thank you Fred!" I say, glaring at Stan.


"Anything from the trolley dears?" A witch asked from the compartment door. The twins looked embarrassed and shook their heads. Lee jumped up.

"Uh, two liquorice wands and a chocolate frog."

I looked at the twins, who were looking very disappointed.

"Anything for you, dearie?" The witch asked me.

"Yes, can I please have two pumpkin pasties, a pack of jelly slugs, three chocolate frogs and a pack of Burtie Botts Every-Flavoured Beans."

We paid for our snacks and the witch left. I then tossed the jelly slugs and a chocolate frog to George, who looked very surprised. Then handed one of the pumpkin pasties and another frog to Fred.

"Y/N-" George started,

"-you didn't have to." Fred finished, looking guilty.

"Yeah, but I wanted to." The twins began to dig in to their snacks and I looked at Lee, who was already eating his second liquorice wand.

"I hope I get Gryffindor!" Lee said as he chewed.

"We will." Said George.

"There's not a Weasley who wasn't in Gryffindor." Fred said after his twin.

"My uncle were both Gryffindors. They and their friends made Professor McGonagall's life a living hell." I grinned, "I want to get into Gryffindor too."

"We could all be Gryffindors!" George said as he opened his chocolate frog.

"Sounds good to me!" Lee said as he finished his Liquorice wand.

Stanley the toad jumped onto Fred's lap, which caused Fred to laugh.

"This year is going to be so good!" I said to my new friends with a grin, they all nodded in agreement.

And so it was.

1271 Words

BUTTERFLIES; fred weasley x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now