CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN; the first task

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~Y/N's POV~

Bloody dragons.

Classes ended at midday on that Tuesday, to give everyone enough time to prepare for the First Task. Fred and George had decided to collect and place bets with people on who they think would win.

"Come on Y/N!" George was begging me. "Just one sickle!"

"Please!" Fred pouted. "You know you love me."

"Nope." I then turned around. "I'm going to go find Harry."

I wandered around the Great Hall until I saw Harry with Hermione. He was bouncing his leg up and down and looked nervous. I ran up to him and tackled him into a hug.

"You'll do great, Harry. I just know it." I said.

"Thanks Y/N." Harry's expression didn't change one bit. He still looked as nervous and scared as before. It didn't get any better when Professor McGonagall ran up to him and ushered Harry out of the hall.

I pulled Hermione over to where my friends were before we all went down to what was the Quidditch pitch.

After they collected as many bets as possible, the twins came back over to where Lee, Lewis and I were sitting.

"Hey Lee. Don't tell Oliver about what they did to the pitch." I told him and he laughed.

"He would literally come here to yell at Crouch and Bagman about it." Lewis chuckled and I noticed at the mention of Ludo Bagman the twins shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

As the first dragon was being guided out of her cage George shot up in his seat.

"Look! It's Charlie!" He yelped.

"CHARLIE!" Fred yelled, frantically waving and trying to get his older brother's attention.


Charlie looked up and shook his head.

"Bill's not here and I can't see Ron!" He yelled back and the twins scoffed. Charlie teasingly grinned and winked at me before running back to the other dragons.

"Git." Fred muttered.

"Oh come on, Freddie, he was only joking." I giggled.

A canon sounded and Cedric stumbled out of the tent. There was loud cheering and applause as he entered the arena.

Cedric looked up at the dragon and gripped his wand tight. The Swedish Short-Snout came barreling towards him and Cedric frantically looked around. He quickly transfigured a pile of rocks into a dog which caught the dragon's attention as Cedric sprinted across the arena and headed for the egg.

The dragon noticed Cedric and began to chase him, and when Cedric was close enough she blew a huge gust of fire at him. Multiple people screamed or gasped as Cedric grabbed the egg and narrowly dodged the flames that would've burnt his face. Everyone burst out in applause and cheers as Cedric got back to the tent.

"Bloody hell." Ron mumbled from in front of us. "If that's what Harry's got to deal with-" Ron then stopped himself, probably remembering he's mad at Harry.

Fleur then came out. She too managed to get the egg with nothing but a burned skirt and messy ponytail.

Krum was next. He used a conjunctivitis curse on the dragon's eyes and managed to get the golden egg, but the dragon stood on her own eggs and crushed them.

Next was Harry's turn.

He left the tent and almost immediately was hit by fire. He only just dodged it by hiding behind a rock. I grabbed Fred's hand and he squeezed mine lightly. Harry ran for the egg but the Hungarian Horntail got in the way.

"Your wand, Harry! Your wand!" Hermione was shouting. Harry must've heard her because he held out his wand and yelled.


Harry's broom then came flying onto the pitch and he climbed onto the broom. Harry flew over the eggs and his fingers barely grazed the golden egg. As he was flying the dragon broke free of her chains and flew at Harry.

Harry sped up, above the teacher's stand and towards the castle and the dragon followed his path, crashing the teacher's stand in the progress.

"YES! WELL DONE DRAGON!" Fred exclaimed while clapping and cheering with George.

For almost ten whole minutes Harry and the Horntail were out of our view. It was silent and worrying. There was the occasional roar that made me jump or squeak. Even the twins looked worried. That was until someone pointed towards the castle.


Everyone was cheering when Harry came zooming towards the Quidditch pitch, grabbed the golden egg and hopped off of his broom and went to the tent.

"Thank God he's okay." I sighed.

"Of course he's okay. They wouldn't let anything happen to him." Fred hugged me.

Charlie and his little dragon trainer friends had to go find the Hungarian Horntail and get her back into her cage before we could get back to the castle.

"Maybe we should throw a party for Harry this evening?" George asked.

"Yes! Brilliant, George" Fred grinned.

"Well then, we've got to get planning." Lewis said.

"I'm going to go find Harry, you guys go ahead." I smiled before heading down to the tent.

"That was bloody wicked, Harry!" I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Y/N. Thanks." Harry was clutching the golden egg in his arms.

"Well come on then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow!" I mimicked Stan Shunpike, the conductor of the knight bus, before yanking Harry by the arm and pulled him up to the castle.

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