CHAPTER EIGHT; uncle remus

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Thank you for all the reads! Anyways here's chapter 8. Enjoy

~Y/N's POV~

"Y/N?" Remus asks as I storm into his office and slump into his chair. My eyes sting and my vision is blurred. Hot tears stream down my face. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Everything." I sob, "all the Houses act like I'm dad. They whisper about me and giving me weird looks. I hear them whispering in the halls, especially after what Pucey said. They say I'm 'crazy like my father'. I can't stand it." I cry.

"Oh Y/N." Remus pulls me into a hug, "if you want I can talk to Professor McGonagall and maybe you can have the rest of your classes off and stay here with me for the day. I only have the second years left." I smile as he hands me a piece of chocolate "chocolate fixes everything."

He then makes me a tea and goes to talk to Professor McGonagall.

So, I sit in his office, sipping my tea and helping myself to Remus' chocolate stash.

Eventually he comes back.

"You can stay here for the rest of the lessons but you have to go back to your common room at 7 or go to the feast." Remus says

"I'll probably just go to the common room, unless I change my mind." I give Remus a weak smile as we walk out of his office. His class of second years start arriving and I can tell his class is Gryffindors and Ravenclaws.

I spot Ginny in the crowd from her familiar red hair, talking to her Ravenclaw friend who has very light blond hair and blue eyes. I sigh and sit at Remus' desk.

Ginny runs up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Y/N!" She exclaims, "Fred, George and I were so worried! The twins looked everywhere and couldn't find you!" Her voice breaks at the end of the sentence. "Ron and Dean said they felt bad for what they-" Ginny keeps on ranting

"It's fine Ginny. It's not their fault. Now go and sit down Ms Weasley before you get a detention!" I say, mimicking my Uncle Remus. She giggles and runs off to sit with Luna.

I start doing my transfiguration homework while Remus taught the students about Hinkypunks.

The homework was pretty easy for the most part. And when I got stuck, I had to ask Remus for a little help.

"Remus!" I whisper, "what is the difference between transfiguring a rat and a mouse into a goblet?"

"I don't know. Have fun." He whispers back. I frown.

"I'll have to ask Hermione later then." I say to myself as Lupin goes to help a Ravenclaw girl with her work.

(Time skip brought to you by Remus' chocolate addiction)

Finally classes are dismissed and I walk to dinner with Ginny. She managed to convince me to go. She starts telling me a story about how her brothers don't let her play quidditch with them on the holidays.

We enter the great hall and I'm immediately pulled into a hug. I take in the familiar scent of cinnamon, sweets and fireworks.


"Y/N! I was so worried." He whispers into my ear as he tightly pulls me into his chest. "You weren't in classes and I-"

"Freddie, I'm fine." I say hugging him back.

Lee, George and Oliver run over too. They also squish me into a hug and ramble on about their worry and fear.

I sit down at the Gryffindor table next to Fred and Ron.

"I'm sorry Y/N." Ron says. "I shouldn't have acted like I did. It's not your fault."

"It's okay Ickle Ronniekins." I smirk, I then whisper in his ear. "I know the twins told you to say that, it's fine." Ron chuckles and Fred grins at me.

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