Part 1

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Chapters marked with * indicate smut.

"No, I don't think I'll be able to make it mid-week, Bran." You were tired of letting down your friends at the club. They were used to being able to rehearse and perform whenever but since you took this job, the adjustment hasn't gone a smoothly.

"How are we supposed to perform if you keep cancelling on us Lex?" Brandon asks, frustrated. He's the guitarist and vocals in a makeshift band you can barely keep on your calendar.

"You have every right to be frustrated. If you guys want to move on without me I understand. But I can try to get at least one weekend off." Your voice is hushed.

"We can't do this without you. Text me when you can, okay?"

"Thanks, Bran. Send my love." You whisper. You hang up and look about the cabin.

Everyone is on the jet sleeping, except for you and Hotch. He is always the last one up and today the case really disturbed you. The ones that involved kids always do, especially when it ends up being someone they knew and trusted. You can't picture yourself sleeping tonight without see the unsub. You make a mental note to schedule an appointment with your therapist.

"Coffee?" Hotch asks as he rises from his seat.

"Sure, thanks." You say absentmindedly. You look out the window into the night. The sky is black and dusted with puffy, white clouds. You're eager to land, you know that your siblings are waiting at the house for you. A little over a year ago, you moved in with them after breaking up with your girlfriend. Them having a house just seemed like the right thing because of the twins fostering a lot of animals.

"Two sugars, one cream." Hotch holds the coffee out in front of you.

"You remembered." A small smile spreads across your face. "Thank you, sir." You say as he sits across from you. Hotch doing small talk? That's unusual.

"Of course." His voice is professional and polite as usual, and you can't read any emotions from his face. "Angry boyfriend?" He asks.

You give out a laugh. "No, Bran is just a definitely just a friend." You don't want to give away much. You're already nervous that he doesn't take you seriously and telling him you're in a band won't do you any favors. Though, on the other hand it might make him think you're cooler. You teetered between be extremely attracted to your boss and being intimidated by him.

"Ah. You're not usually up this late." He observes.

Your hands tighten around the warm mug.

"This one is just sticking more than the others. Kids always remind me of my siblings even though they're not kids anymore."

"Twins, right? Almost 21, if I remember correctly." He takes a sip of his coffee, his expression still held together.

"Your memory is better than I give you credit for, sir." You let out a small laugh and the corner of his mouth lifts ever so slightly. "Is that your version of a smile?" You tease.

"You could say that." He plays along. "We saved as many kids as we could. It doesn't always help to know that. But if you need to take a day or two to process, feel free."

"I'll be okay, thanks. I just need to get home and hug them." You take a long drink of coffee.

"Are they picking you up?" He asks, taking a glance at his watch. It's nearly 12 a.m.

"No, they can't leave all the animals alone." He raises an eyebrow in response.

"They're fosters. Local shelter need temporary homes for puppies. They've ended up keeping a few in the last few years though. They also work remotely for a phone company, so they're home all the time. It works for them."

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