Part 9*

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You and the team are on the jet, headed back home. It only took you 2 days to solve the latest case. You're in a better mood because the case ended without the unsub dying and they were actually going to have serve time. That and you got to spend the night with Hotch by sneaking into his hotel room. It's getting harder to pretend like nothing is going on between the two of you in front of the team but you think that you're both doing well. You're on the opposite side of the jet, occasionally making eye contact with him when your phone rings.

Frowning you look down at your phone. It's Carmen. Your eyes flick up to Hotch and you can see the questions in his.

"Hey Carmen, what's up?" Your voice is cautious. You never know what you could get with her. Sagittarius are wild.

"Lex, Brandon is grilling my ass about performing. Do you think you could take some time off?" Her voice is annoyed and you know that Bran put her up to this.

"Our communications liaison already has a case set up for us at home so I'll be able to make rehearsal this week." You make note to take Babs in for a check up to get her feeding tube out. That'll make things a bit easier for Annie and Lucas.

"Sweet, now he'll leave me the fuck alone. Its 2000s night this weekend so I'm pulling out the leather. Anyways, tell me how things are going with boss man." She's moved into a teasing voice.

"One second." You say, getting up to move back towards the bathroom so that you're farther away from the team. "He asked me to be his girlfriend." You can't help but smile as you whisper it.

"Holy shit! What did you say?" She screams into the phone and you have to move your ear away from yours.

"Carmen, stop screaming." You laugh loudly. "I said yes. And yes, the sex is absolutely mind blowing."

"I need to see what this man looks like. How old is he? He has a kid right? So a dilf!" She's still screaming into your ear.

"Hey, who are you talking to?" Emily ask from behind you. You turn around to her and Reid eyeing you, blocking the hallway.

You feel panic rising and quickly make a decision. "Babe, I've got to go. I'll call you when I land." If they think you're involved with someone it can keep their profiling at bay. You and Hotch would have a little bit of wiggle room in your behavior. And there would be no suspicion.

Carmen instantly picks up on the vibe. "Coworkers being nosy?"

"Yes, I promise." You nod and pause like she's saying something. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"I'll be waiting for the juicy details! Bye, Lex!" You Can hear her giggling before you hang up.

"New lover, huh?" Emily moves out of your way and you head back to your seat.

"Is it a man or woman?" Reid plops down in the chair next to you.

"Hot stuff's got a piece?" Morgan hoots, taking his attention away from his computer.

You glance over at Hotch who's eyes are trained on you. You can read the shock in his eyes. Hopefully he can understand that this is all a ploy.

"Her name is Carmen. She's in the band I play in occasionally."

"You play in a band?" JJ's interested now, her eyes glittering with curiosity.

"I know what we're doing for team bonding. We need to see you in action kid." Rossi chimes in. This is why you hadn't ever mentioned it.

"Under Strauss' orders I believe that would count as a team bonding exercise, what do you think Hotch?" Reid looks over at Hotch who's posture has softened.

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