Part 18

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It's your first case back since you and Hotch have gone public as a couple. You both had to fill out some forms for the Bureau to be in a relationship. The two of you also had a lengthy talk about how you wanted to handle this. The two of you wouldn't be alone together in the field. You'd also agreed no sex in the office unless you two were ones there. And you both would try your hardest to keep the feelings out of it when there was a dangerous situation. You planned on asking the team if they were uncomfortable with the two of you staying in the same hotel room when away, but you didn't anticipate that they would. You're at Reid's desk, losing a game of chess when Hotch walks out of his office.

"Everyone, we have a case, let's go." He motions towards the meeting room.

"You know for a man in love with you, you'd think we get more smiles." Emily nudges you as you all walk to the usual meeting room.

"He is still my boss. And contrary to your belief, I do take work very seriously." You nudge her back taking a seat across from Hotch. You look over at him with a smile and he smiles back, making you blush. You'll never get used to this.

"Good morning my lovelies and lovebirds, we have a case hitting close to home. 2 female bodies in the last week, one is still at the crime scene, discovered this morning. They're being sexually assaulted, strangled, and dumped in Locus Shade Park." Garcia presses a few buttons on her remote, pulling up the case.

"The unsub definitely has a type...young black women with long dark hair." Morgan is looking down at the case file.

"All of these women were dressed nicely, like they were going out. Dates gone wrong?" Emily is mumbling to herself.

"Not to creep you out but, Alexa, they kind of look like you." JJ looks between you and the pictures of the victims.

"Thanks, JJ." You say sarcastically but you had noticed too. "There's definitely remorse, he's posing and covering them."

You glance over at Hotch and he frowns, looking at the photos more closely.

"And he's being careful about leaving DNA. García I want you to look into the victims' backgrounds and see if their paths crossed anywhere. Let's head out to the local PD in 30." Hotch nods and you all head to your desks.

Before you all head out Garcia makes a connection; both of the victims were in the arts. The first was in a local band and the second taught music classes at an elementary school.

"They were both looking into getting higher education, specifically in child psychology and forensic psychology. All this information was sent to your tablets. Be safe my sweets." She squeezes your hand before walking back to her office.

With the the music connection and the forensic psychology, you were realizing just how well you fit this unsubs victimology. It wasn't the first time that someone on the team was a killer's type and it wouldn't be the last. It was just your first time.

"JJ and Alexa, go to the latest crime scene and see if you can find anything we've missed. Morgan and Reid meet with the M. E. Dave and Prentiss we'll coordinate with local p.d. and start interviewing family and friends." Hotch is all business.

You head to your desk to grab your bag and gun, Hotch following you.

"Hey, you okay?" He sits on the edge of your desk, making sure to keep an appropriate amount of distance between the two of you. He was a rule follower after all.

"A little on edge with the realization that I fit his victimology but I'm okay." You give his arm a squeeze and he puts his hand over yours.

"I have to agree, it is a little unnerving to think about. Stay with me tonight?" He raises his eyebrows. Hotch still hadn't been back to your house since everything happened. Lucas hasn't forgiven him yet and was giving currently giving you shit for your decision.

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