Part 22

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"We have a new victim!" Hotch yells as he stalks out of his office and to the meeting room. You and the team jump up frantically and follow him into the room.

"Garcia." Hotch prompts her with a sharp voice, looking up expectedly. You'd have to remind him to stop being mad at her for telling you about your parents. Again.

"Yes, sir, of course, sir." She flusters with the remote for a second before the crime scene photos come up on the screen. "The body of Brandon Major was found not even 2 hours ago, on the outskirts of Locus Shade Park." She looks over at you apologetically. Time stands still for a moment and everyone's head turn to look at you.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" You stand up and move closer to the screen to get a better look. This had to be some kind of joke. There he is, lying in on the pavement, beaten to death. You can feel your body shaking as the grief hits you. Brandon was dead. You would have to tell your band mates. And his family. It was only right that you do it. Your legs begin to tremble and you feel like you're going to pass out. There's a flurry of sound behind you and then arms around you, scooping you up.

"Baby, relax, come here." Hotch sits down in a chair in the corner holding you. Usually you would feel embarrassed that he's showing affection like this front of the team but you were too emotionally overwhelmed.

"Why would he do this?" You cry into his chest, clutching him closer.

"I don't know, Alexa. We're going to figure this out I promise." He wipes away some of your tears and kisses your forehead. He rocks you for a short while, letting you cry.

You shake your head and make a decision. You had to pull yourself together. It was only right that you went to check out the crime scene and notified his family and friends. Your friends. You wipe your face, and run your hands through your hair. "I have to go to the crime scene. And tell his parents...and our band mates..." You start listing things off and maneuver your way out of Hotch's hold, standing. The team is looking at you like you've grown 3 heads

"Alexa, you can't do all of that. You're too close to this investigation." Hotch says, rising to his feet.

"Don't start that shit with me again, Aaron." You give him a look and his eyes narrow. You didn't care if he was mad. You had to do this.

"Alexa, he's right. You can't do all of this. We're here to help and support and do our jobs." JJ says gently, rubbing your shoulder.

"Penelope, send me the address. Now." You snap before stalking out of the room. You quickly collect your gun and badge but before you can head out, you hear your name being called.

"Hotch insisted I go with you. Wants to keep your head clear." Morgan walks over to you. You roll your eyes and give out a sigh. "I'm surprised he's letting you go at all."

"True. Come on let's go." You immediately head for the door not wanting to see Hotch and his reaction to how you're acting.

When you and Morgan get to the crime scene he stays in the car at first. A tech walks you over and you ask for a moment with Brandon's body.

"He was my friend." You say tearfully. The tech nods awkwardly and shuffles away. There's a sheet over him and you squat down, taking a deep breath. Removing the sheet you gasp. You saw it on the photos, you knew what you were getting yourself into, and yet this still shocking you. His eyes were still open. With your gloved hand you gently close his eyes. Your legs start to feel weak and you end up bracing yourself on your knees, tears falling out of your eyes.

"Hey, come on honey, I'll handle the rest." Morgan is behind you, hoisting you up under your arms. He helps you back into the car before taking a closer, more objective look at Brandon's body. He drives the two of you back the office and while you're on the way you receive a text from Garcia that Brandon's parents are waiting.

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