Part 13*

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First and foremost wanna say thank you all the readers! Also thank you to all my discord babies, y'all are the best! Hope y'all like this filler chapter because next time it's going downnnnn!

p.s. totally didn't edit this so if it's typos pretend you do not see it 🤫


"I can walk you know." You look up at Lucas. He's pushing you a wheelchair towards his car. Annie and Carmen are walking beside you.

"Hospital rules missy." Carmen replies, skipping towards the car to open the door for you.

Annie positions herself in front of you, hoisting you out of the wheelchair. Her face is screwed up in concentration.

"I can get myself into the car, Annie, really." You plop into your seat and move your legs in one at a time.

"Aaron has given us strict orders to take extra special care of you." Annie replies a smug look on her face.

"I'll take any orders from a man that looks like that! And his voice? Jeez, Lex, you nailed a good one. Total dilf." Carmen fans herself and you all laugh. She was such a personality.

"I'm not surprised he gave you orders, but he's not here so he'll just have to suck it up." You pout and stare out the window. Your heart swells at the idea of Hotch wanting them to take special care of you. But you also wish he was here to take you home. He'd wanted to stay when the team took a case in Atlanta, Georgia but you'd encouraged him to go. Not only would the team get suspicious, but you wouldn't feel right taking a valuable team member away from a case.

The ride home is short and bubbly, as your siblings and Carmen converse. You'd never admit it but you were still in a bit of pain and just the commotion of being discharged made you want to sleep. The pain medication contributed to your drowsiness as well.

Carmen helps you inside and gets you situated in your bed before saying goodbye. Lucas and Annie decide not to hover over you, knowing you hate the fuss. You're finally alone for the first time 4 days, except for Babs of course. You look at the stack of books on your nightstand and notice it's shorter than usual. Reaching over with your free arm, your go through the checklist of books you'd been collecting in your head. Your copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes is missing. You make a mental note to ask one of the twins if they had borrowed it before getting comfortable and drifting into sleep.


When you wake there's an arm underneath you and a familiar smell of cologne. You turn and Hotch is in your bed, fast asleep, his mouth slightly ajar. All your nerves are settled just at the sight of him. You don't have the heart to wake him but it's like he senses your alertness and his eyes flutter open.

"Hi." He says with a sleepy grin, his eyes focusing on your face.

"Hi, yourself. What are you doing here, I thought you had a case?" You ask though you're glad he's here nonetheless.

"I was too worried about you to think straight. I told the team Jack was sick and came home." He shrugs.

"Aaron, I'm fine. You could've stayed." You scold but you cant help but grin at him.

"I could've. But if I had stayed I wouldn't be able to do this..." He leans in slowly, pressing his lips to yours. Desire blossoms in your stomach and you attempt to deepen the kiss. He complies for a few seconds and then pulls back. "How's your pain threshold?"

"It's low enough, come on, kiss me. Just be gentle." You grumble moving forward to kiss him again.

"We shouldn't, you need your rest to get better." And even though he's right, in this moment you just wanted him to make love to you.

"Aaron, it's been a week. I know you want to fuck me."

"Alexa." He scolds but he can't help the smile on his face.

You roll your eyes and lean forward, kissing him once more. This time he returns it, his tongue invading your mouth, dancing with yours sensually. You feel him kicking of his pants and boxers and know that you're going to get what you want.

"Turn on your side, back to me, baby." He murmurs and you quickly do what he says, your heart beating quickly with anticipation.
"Lift your hips up." You do as your told and in one swift movement he removes your underwear and sweatpants. His leg interlocks with yours, spreading your legs and the arm underneath you makes it's way to your clit, rubbing gently in a circle.

"Oh, please." You moan out, pushing your face into your pillow, focusing on absorbing the pleasure.

"Ready?" His lips are at your ear, his voice deep and husky. All you can do as nod, as he continues to circle you over and over. He slowly enters you, letting out a low, guttural groan as he stretches you. "Fuck."

This is the most gentle he's ever been with you, slowly and sweetly, moving in and out of you. He presses his lips to your neck, leaving kisses up and down it. It doesn't take long for you body to climb higher and higher, and you feel your release coming any moment.

"Come on baby, I know you're close." He says tenderly and it pushes you over the edge. He meets his climax not long after you, burying his head in the crook of your neck. After a moment of getting your breathing back to a normal pace you turn to look at him and smile widely.

"I knew you wanted to fuck me." You say and he laughs freely before pulling you into a sweet kiss.

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