Part 21*

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"I want you here, with me. It makes the most sense." You and Hotch are sitting up in his bed. It's late and you're arguing about moving in. Again.

"If I move in here, Jack could be in danger." You reason.

"Jack and I will be in danger no matter what. I'm involved with you and whoever is doing this is clearly after you. You being here means that whatever happens, we could take it on together." He reaches for your hand.

"Aaron, I don't want either of you to get hurt. I couldn't handle it." You squeeze his hand.

"And I couldn't handle it if you got hurt. You know that." He says, the pain evident in his voice.

"Are you sure?" You can't hide the defeat. He was right. He was almost always right.

"You're here every night anyway. Why not?" He's smirking now that he's gotten his way and you roll your eyes.

"Fine." You huff reluctantly. He wasn't wrong it did make sense. You were staying here anyway now that your family was in protective custody. You were spending the night here anywhere. There were agents parked outside of not only your house but also Hotch's. And as much as you didn't want to admit it, you were afraid. Two more bodies had dropped in the last 3 days. These murders had been more violent. Instead of the strangling component the unsub was beating the women to death, with substantial overkill. You didn't want that to happen to you.

"Hey, focus on me." Hotch's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. He runs a hand through your hair and caresses your face gently. "Everything will be fine, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." You say, leaning in to give him a kiss. You try to deepen it but he pulls back.

"You know I could take you off the case to keep you safe." He says seriously, his eyebrows knitting together.

"You wouldn't?" You can't hide the horror in your voice and you lean over him.

"I am your boss." He says matter of factly with a mischievous look in his eye. You'd show him who's boss.

You move so that you're straddling him and his eyes go wide. "Are you...the boss?" You lean forward so that your nose just brushes his. He tries to lean up to give you a kiss but you push him down, a smile spreading on your face. "No, not yet. Not until I say so."


"Did I say you could speak, Aaron?" You plant your hand firmly on his chest, your voice serious.

"No, but-"

"Be a good boy and be quiet." Your hand circles around the front of his neck, not putting too much pressure on it. His breathe hitches in his throat and you swear he might be blushing a bit. You place a series of kisses on his neck before reaching down to take his shirt off.

Once you start to kiss down his chest, he groans loudly. "I said hush, Aaron." You continue to kiss down his body but snake your hand up to his face, pushing three of your fingers into his mouth. "Much better." You continue to kiss up and down his chest, palming his erection through his boxers. You move back up to kiss him, grinding your hips into his erection for friction. He kisses you greedily, his hands circling your face. You give him what he wants for a while before pushing his hands away. "No touching or I'll tie you up." You grab him by the jaw.

"You wouldn't dare." His eyes narrow and you give him a sly smile.

"Oh baby, I love a challenge. Don't move." You instruct before getting up and entering his closet. Before grabbing a belt from one of his robes, you remove your panties so you're just in one of his t-shirts. When you re-emerge he's awaiting, his eyes patient but hungry. He wants this, he wants you to dominate him and it sends a thrill through you.

"Hands above your head, wrists together." Your voice is authoritative and he follows suit. You quickly and tightly bound his hands together. "Watch me." You breathe out and he nods eagerly. You lift yourself of his lap to free his erection, rubbing against it. You don't break eye contact with him as one of your hands finds your clit and the other find one of your nipples. You notice that his breathing increases as he watches you touch yourself and it turns you on more. You continue to grind his erection and he lets out a breathy moan, frustrated.

"What do you want?" Your voice is low and infused with lust. You wanted him but you wanted him to work for it.

"You." He chokes out and you can hear the need in his words.

"Beg me." You command. You move your hand away from your breast, circling it around his throat

"Please, Alexa."

"Please, Alexa, what?" Your hand tightens around his throat, pushing back slightly.

"Please, fuck me." He whines, pulling against the belt wrapped around his wrists.

"Say it again, baby." You remove your hand from his neck, stroking his erection aggressively.

He hips buck, flexing into your touch and he groans. "Please, fuck me, Alexa." It comes out strong and breathy. He's very good at following instructions and you make a note to do this again. You liked having power over him.

You move to hover on him, and slowly sink down onto him, moaning as he fills you.

"Can I touch you?" He asks, desperate.

"Only my hips." You choke out, as you pick up the pace. You release his his hands from the belt. The feeling of him inside you is exquisite as always. His hips are bucking up to meet you as you rise and fall. "Sit up." He immediately sits up causing him to move deeper into you. His eyes bore into yours, passionate and lustful.

"Oh fuck." His hand moves up to your face, pulling you into a passionate kiss, his other hand wrapped around you holding you up so that he can thrust into you repeatedly.

"Let me hear you baby." Your words echo his from your past sexual encounters. You throw your head back as the knot of pleasure begins to build, your body climbing higher and higher. His breathing gets harsher and you know that he's close to his release. "Come on baby, give it to me." You encourage him as your own orgasm rips through you, causing you to groan loudly.

"Oh, Alexa." He slams into one last time as his pours into you before pulling you into a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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