Part 27

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Thank you to all the readers, ladies, and theydies. I wouldn't have continued writing this story if it weren't for the BAU Baddies. I'm sad to let y'all know that there are only about 4 or 5 parts left, including the two epilogues. Hope you enjoy ❤️.


You're on the jet looking out the window. You were back from your third break of the year. You'd passed your psych eval and your gyno had cleared you to work at least the first 7 months of the pregnancy. What a whirlwind the last 5 months had been. You see some movement out of the corner of your eye. Turning you look up to see Hotch staring at nothing, his fingers rubbing together at his sides. He was thinking about something intensely, that was his tell. You get up and walk over to him, nudging him gently.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about our previous conversations. About telling the team."

"I'm ready when you are." Your reach down to grab his hand, rubbing comforting circles into it.

"Do you want to tell them now?" His voice is hushed, his eyes flickering across the jet to look at them.

"We could tell them when we get land...that means we can celebrate?" You offer, not wanting to cause a ruckus when you were so close to home.

"Whatever you want, Alexa. It's your call." He twists your hand, pulling your wrist up to his mouth to give it a delicate kiss. You would never tire of that move. It'll always remind you of how your relationship started.

"Where do you want to do it?"

"Maybe at your house. Your family could serve as a buffer." His eyebrows pull together as his thinks.

"I'll call them." You say, fidgeting with your necklace. You start towards your bag to get your phone but he stops you, squeezing your hand. You look up at him and notice the worry etched into his face. "Aaron, what's wrong?"

"I'm feeling anxious for some reason." You notice that his other hand is fidgeting, his fingers rubbing together again.

"They're our family, you have nothing to worry about." You caress his face gently and he leans into your touch. "Okay?"

He nods and gives you a small, shy smile.


"Ready?" You stride out of the bathroom after showering and changing into something more casual. Your work clothes were still fitting well but something about them was starting to grow uncomfortable. You were in a simple white turtleneck and you most stretch pair of jeans.

"What do you say buddy, are we ready to tell the team about your little brother or sister?" Hotch and Jack are laying in your bed, Jack is petting Babs.

"Super ready! I hope is a girl." He says excitedly, hoping you to wrap his arms around your waist. His head rests on your belly and it makes your heart swell.

"I hope so too baby boy." You bend down to pick him up, balancing him on your hip.

"We'll have to tell mommy!" Jack looks up at you and then back to Hotch. Hotch's eyes widen, his mouth falling open a bit.

"Yes, we will! And we'll take her the most beautiful flowers." You tickle Jack's stomach to distract him from Hotch's reaction. You sneak a peek at Hotch and he mouths "I'm sorry" to which you shake your head. He had no reason to apologize, Hayley would always be important in his and Jack's lives. You hadn't been to her grave yet, it was something you felt you needed to be invited to do. That chapter of Hotch's life was delicate and you didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

There's a knock at the door and then it slightly opens. It's your mom. "Your team is here bean."

"Mariaaaaa." Jack squirms in your arms, and you set him down so he can run to her.

"Come on Jack, let's go make sure all the desserts are ready." She takes his hand leading him out.

"Ready?" You ask Hotch again, sticking his hand out for him.

"I haven't been this nervous in a very long time, Alexa. But I think so." His eyebrows are knit together, his eyes full of worry as he takes your hand.

"I'll tell them. Just hold me tight." You caress his face before leaning in to give him a kiss.

When you both exit the room, the team is filing in, greeted by your siblings and Jessica. JJ looks over at you with a questioning look and you quickly avert you gaze. If anyone was going to figure this out before you told them, it was her. You and Hotch make your way to them, hugging them all one by one. Morgan gives you a twirl that makes you laugh breathlessly. You hug JJ last and she tightens her hold on you, her lips at your ear.

"What's going on?" She asks in a hushed voice. You pull back and shake your head, not wanting to give anything away. "Is everything okay?" She looks you up and down discreetly.

"Everything's fine, Jennifer. We just wanted to get together."

Your mom and dad have made quite the spread. They'd even had to pull out the table extender, so everyone could fit at the large, oak dining table. Conversation is light and bubbly. This was such a sweet moment, your work family and your real family coming together. JJ has been eyeing you through the entire meal and you hope she hasn't noticed that you aren't drinking wine or scotch like everyone else.

Hotch leans over to you, grabbing your hand. "Should we do it before dessert?" Your eyes meet his. Now you were nervous, your heartbeat increasing.

You weren't going to chicken out and ask him to do it, especially since you'd seen how nervous he was earlier in your room. "Let's." You say simply, planting a kiss on his cheek. Looking around at everyone you take a deep breath. "Before we have dessert, Hotch and I... Aaron and I wanted to share some news." Hotch is running reassuring circles into your hand and it calms your nerves a bit.

"You're getting married?" Garcia squeals prematurely, clapping her hands together. Reid gives her a nudge to shut up and she slaps him on the arm.

You laugh loudly, though that was a fair assumption and clearly the next step. But you had a feeling that Hotch was going to take his time and you had no problem with that. "No, no, we aren't getting married."

"Yet." Hotch says seriously and you feel your face warming up.

"Yet...anyways." You stand nervously, smoothing out the wrinkles in your turtleneck. Hotch rises to his feet as well, circling his arms around you tightly. "I'm pregnant." You've said this what feels like a hundred times and yet the words still feel so foreign in your mouth.

"A baby!" Emily screams and everyone is on their feet, rushing over to you. You and Hotch are swooped up in a flurry of congratulations, hugs, and kisses.

The moment is everything that you thought it would be and more. This moment had always been impossible in your head. You and your siblings had been reunited with your parents. You were at a job you loved with people you adored. And now you were starting a family with a man you were completely and utterly in love with. You look over at him in adoration, he's talking to Rossi with Jack in his arms. You catch his eye and mouth "told you" to which he just winks in response. You loved seeing him so happy and carefree. He deserved every moment of it.

"Come on, we have some girl talk to do." JJ grabs your hand, and pulls you down the hall with Emily, Garcia, and Annie following close behind, squealing loudly.

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