Part 3*

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You give yourself one last look over in the mirror. Your hair is perfectly blown out, your face flawless. You're nervous about Hotch seeing you like this. You grab your clutch and walk out of your room. You heart is practically pounding out of your chest while the elevator descends. Everything around you is moving faster and faster. You step out of the elevator and there he is.

His dark hair is unusually messy and unkempt. He's in a black short sleeved turtleneck that is tight. He's in black jeans as well that fit him exactly right. You get to take him in before he sees you, and you wonder what it would be like to have your hands in his hair. Or how it would feel to have him wrapped around you. Butterflies invade your stomach when your eyes finally meet his. He does a double take, his eyes full of surprise and some emotion you can't quite place. He closes his eyes and when he opens them, he's emotionless again.

"Hi." It's all you can say. He has you speechless.

"All ready to go?" You can tell he's trying hard to keep his voice level and he won't look at you for too long. He reaches for your hand and you can feel your heart thumping in your chest. What is going on?

"Yes, sir." You walk to the car in silence. Your heart is beating so fast, your thoughts racing. He gets the door for you. "Thank you, sir."

"It's just us. Aaron." His eyes meet yours as you hoist yourself and his lips pull up in one corner.

"Thank you, Aaron." You don't break eye contact with him.

Before you realize what's happening, his hand is caressing your face. You freeze, not even able to breathe. "You look beautiful, Alexa." His calloused hand is warm and comforting.

The thoughts are rushing through your brain a mile and minute and you blurt out, "You look hot." He raises an eyebrow, and your hand flies up to your mouth. "Sir, I'm so sorry. That was so unprofessional."

His mouth twitches, like he wants to laugh but he just says, "Let's get going, Jordan."

The silence is back but this time, it's not comfortable. That pulse of electricity you get when you touch him is present between you, no touch needed. You suddenly feel exposed in the dress you're wearing and cross your arms. Hotch pulls into the parking lot of the station and turns to you.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" His eyes are full of concern and your nerves start to subside.

"It's the only way we can catch him. It won't be the last time I have to do something like this." You repeat to him the thought you had to yourself earlier.

"If we need to get you out of there, let me know. I'll get you out."

"I'll be fine, Hotch." You put your hand on his arm and squeeze it reassuringly.

His eyes close again and he puts his hand over yours. "Let's get inside to discuss the game plan with the team." His voice is strained you can tell that he's feeling the pull that you feel too.

"Yes, sir."

He turns to get out of the car, and you grab his hand to stop him.

"What is it, Alexa?" He can't hide the surprise in his voice.

"Thank you for caring enough to ask that." Your voice is small.

"Of course." He says, still shocked. Before you can think about stopping yourself you kiss him on the cheek quickly and hop out of the car before he can say anything.

You all go over the details with the team quickly. You and Hotch are to arrive separately. You and Emily will get drinks and dance a bit. You're supposed to notice Hotch and go over to him after a while and ask him to dance. After a dance or two, you and Hotch are supposed to head to a bathroom to 'hook up.' You can feel yourself getting warm when discussing that part and refuse to look at Hotch. Everyone else seems oblivious, as they're excited to be in a club for the night. You can feel Hotch's eyes on you, but you make no move to return his look.

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