Part 5*

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"Who is he?" Garcia asks pulling you out of your thoughts. You're replaying your moments with Hotch in the car. Let me savor you. His words replay over and over in your head.

"What?" Your head snaps toward her. You're standing in her office before an initial case meeting.

"You were biting your lip the way you do when someone brings up Thor. So, who is he? Or she? I don't want to discriminate." A sly smile lights up her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You deny. And you'll deny all the way to your grave. No one could know about you and Hotch.

"Oh, come on. Tell me!"

"Tell you what, exactly?" Hotch's voice comes from the doorway, making you and Garcia jump.

"Nothing, sir." You straighten your clothes and posture. If only Garcia knew you were thinking about Hotch.

You're hoping that Garcia won't say anything but she's a lot more comfortable with Hotch than you are when it comes to office gossip.

"Alexa was just having dirty thoughts about someone. Look out for the lip bite."

"Penelope!" You sneer at her, throwing your
hands up in frustration.

"Oop. I'm sorry. Forget everything, I just said sir." She has an apologetic look on her face.

"Garcia let's focus on presenting the case. Jordan, a word." You follow him out, giving Penelope a death stare on your way out. She mouths 'I'm sorry' before you're out of sight.

JJ, Emily, Morgan, and Reid all look up to watch you follow Hotch into his office. They're giving you a confused look to which you just shrug your shoulders. You really don't know what this is about. You and Hotch hadn't had much time alone. You decided that it was best that you drove yourself to work when you could because of Annie and Lucas. You had a recovering pooch, and he had a son to spend time with. The last week had been a lot of stolen glances and 'accidental' touches while working on case files or resting on the plane. That and a bunch of dirty texts. His blinds are already pulled shut from a meeting with Strauss this morning, so he just closes the door and locks it. You lean back onto his desk, tilting your head to the side curiously.

"Hotch, what's going on?" You ask. He makes his way over to you, resting his nose on yours and closing his eyes. You lean into him, taking a deep inhale of his cologne. "Is this about your meeting with Strauss?"

"I just wanted some time with you." His arms circle your waist and you put your arms around his neck and look up at him.

"Missed me, huh?" You plant a kiss on the edge of his jaw and nuzzle into him.

"More than you know." His eyes meet yours. The way he looks at you makes you blush, and you look away.

"Not more than I've missed you. I think about you all the time." You kiss him again but this time on the mouth. He deepens the kiss taking you by surprise. "Aaron, we can't." You pull back and look up at him. The look he's giving you makes you want to drop your panties right now.

"Why not?" He starts to trail kisses down your neck and his lips linger at the top button of your blouse.

"We have a meeting in 20 minutes and they're all wondering what's going on in here. I wouldn't be surprised if they're at the door." You lower your voice to a whisper. "It would be nice but..." You trail off.

"Tell me what you want." His fingers push your chin up, forcing you to look at him and you melt under his gaze.

"You. Always." The flash of emotion in his eyes makes your regret saying that but before you can respond his lips come crashing down onto yours. His movements are frantic, pulling you closer to him. He pushes your skirt up, revealing your black lace underwear.

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