Part 14

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You're rummaging through a pile of clothes looking for you favorite dark green sweater and still can't find it. You glance at the clock and realize you don't have time to ask Annie if she's stole it, but you assume she has. You dress quickly in a black sweater and flex your shoulder. It's still sore but you were ready to get back to work.

Hotch insisted on following you from your house to work which means you had to get up early, but you were excited to get back into routine. And excited to see your coworkers. As soon as you walk in, Garcia grabs you by the arm, pulling you into her office discreetly.

"P, what's going on?" You ask, laughing at her. When your eyes meet hers, you stop laughing. Her expression is serious, haunting even, and so unlike her usual chipper self.

"You should sit." She whispers.

"No, I'm okay, just tell me what's going on."

"It's all very...weird. A few days ago, a couple named Maria and Joseph Jordan was registered in the FBI database. I do a lot of snooping and I know those are the names of you parents." Garcia's voice is hushed, like she knows that someone is listening.

"That's absurd. Not only have my parents been dead for a long time now, but they were anthropologists." You shake your head.

"I thought so too, so I brought it up to Hotch. And well, he told me to drop it." Garcia looks up at you apologetically and you realize that she thinks she's on to something.

"What? Why would he say that?" You stand up, your stomach starting to twist in knots. This can't be what you think it is.

"I did a little digging after he refused to talk about it and I found this." She clicks a couple buttons and up pops a picture of your parents. You know it isn't an old picture because you're dad has gray hair and they both have wrinkles they didn't before.

"This can't be real." You whisper. Your heart drops into your stomach.

"Now, there are other files connected to their names but they're sealed and would immediately give us away. I don't know what to do."

"Garcia, Jordan, are you ready for the case?" Hotch is standing in the doorway, squinting at the picture on the screen. His face goes blank once he realizes what he's looking at.

"Is this real? Are those my parents, Aaron?" Your face is hot and your thoughts are racing.

"Alexa, my office. Now. Penelope, we'll talk about this later." He says curtly.

"Aaron-" you start to protest but he cuts you off.

"We can talk in my office. Not a word until we get in my office, do you hear me?" He pulls out his phone, typing furiously.

You would usually feel turned on when he spoke to you like that but right now all that's overwhelming you is a sense of dread. Because something is telling you that the man you love knew your parents were alive this entire time.


"You knew! All this time you knew!" You stand up furiously, you body shaking with rage.

"Alexa, please let me explain." He reaches for you, but you dodge him.

"Don't you ever touch me again. I'm done. This," you motion between the two of you, "is done."

Hurt flashes in his eyes. "Please, at least let me explain. I didn't want you to find out this way." He pleads, running a hand through his hair frantically.

"You have 3 minutes." You fall back into your seat and avoid eye contact with him. His blinds are open and you can see that everyone is surprised by the outburst.

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