Part 2

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You see Hotch in your dreams, pushing that piece of hair out of your face. He's smiling this time, actually smiling and it makes you smile. He's leaning in to kiss you when you wake up to your alarm.

You decide to ignore the weird dream about Hotch. You're vulnerable and he was especially kind to you. You'll leave at that. You can hear the patter and chaos of the puppies and dogs outside your door. The alarm has set them off and they're waiting to attack. Babs is unbothered, snuggling up to you as she realized you're awake. "Come." You rise to your feet, gathering your wild hair up.

Opening your door, you're assaulted by mounds of fur and wet kisses. "Hello, everybody! Good morning, cuties. Let's go outside!" You say excited.

You pass Annie and Lucas in the kitchen in your way out. They're cooking breakfast sandwiches. "I'll have mine on toast, please."

You walk out onto the deck with all the animals and they run wild. It's a chilly September morning and it makes you rub the skin of your bare arms.

You're watching two Labrador puppies play when your phone rings. It's Hotch. Your heart jumps out of your chest. "Hello?" You answer nervously. He'd never called you when you weren't on a case. JJ did all the paging when it was time to come in.

"Alexa, hello." Your name is delicate in his mouth. "I wanted to check on you. Did you call your therapist?"

Interesting. "I actually just woke up. It's on my to-do list for the day, sir." You find yourself biting your lip as you think about what he looks like on the other side of the phone.

"Maybe make it an emergency call if you can. JJ anticipates we'll be on the way to Charlotte by this evening."


"Typical sexual sadist that is sexually assaulting and killing women. It's too early to tell where he's meeting the victims. But I was wondering, did you need a ride this evening?"

"Um, that would be very kind of you, Aaron." You feel weird calling him that, but you enjoy being able to say his name so casually.

"I'll pick you up at 6. Be safe." His voice is light.

Butterflies twirl in your stomach. Why does it feel like he just asked you on a date?


"He's definitely into you." Carmen squeals into your air pod. She's the drummer in that makeshift band you can never make it to.

"I don't know. I feel like it was very out of character for him. But I did freak out about a case, so he could've just been making an exception." You say hold up a white button down while you stare at yourself in the mirror.

"If a big, strong, emotionless man starts showing emotion, I think we both know what that means, Lex." She gives a thumbs down to the white shirt.

"I feel ridiculous trying to pick out a cute outfit for him. I could be reading into things." You hold up a silk, blue button-down and she sticks out her tongue.

"Wear the green turtle neck and the plaid chinos. And the blazer. Definitely a chunky heel." She leaves the frame for a minute and returns with a bowl of ramen. "Listen, there's no problem with showing him what he's missing. Plus, you need to get laid."

There's a knock at the door. "There's a car out front, I think it's that boss of yours." Lucas yells through the door.

"I gotta go, Carmen. I'll keep you posted." You blow her kiss and close the laptop. Dressing in a rush, you grab your bag, and run out the front door.

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