Part 30*

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Well, this is it my friends. Last chapter before the two epilogues. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as enjoyed writing this. Hopefully there's no typos but I was just so excited to get this out, I didn't edit much. All the love!


"You know you've really become quite the brat." Hotch whispers as he trails kisses down your body. You're in your hotel room, tied up, at his mercy.

"Aaron, please." You whimper, pulling against the tie that's wrapped around your wrists. His mouth is on you, his tongue circling one of your nipples.

"That's right baby, beg me." He murmurs against your skin. One of his hands is fisted in your hair, the other is skimming down your body to your sex. He spreads your legs, his fingers finding your clit.

"Oh, please, fuck me." You moan out and he chuckles. He continues his sweet torture on your body for a short while before flipping you so that you're on top of him. He lifts you, lining you up with his erection. His eyes meet yours and he slowly moves you down onto him, his mouth forming a perfect o.

"Jesus Christ." His hands are still on your hips, he moves you up and down at his own, slow pace.

"Faster, Aaron."

He removes the tie from your wrists and let's go of your waist. "Take over."

You place your hands on his chest and start to move your hips in a faster rhythm. He places his hands on top of yours and his hips buck up to meet yours, thrust for thrust. You moan loudly, as the pleasure sends you higher and higher.

"That's my good girl. You look so beautiful." He groans out and your heart flutters. You feel yourself getting close and one of his hands moves to circle your clit. You continue to ride him, your movements getting sloppy as you feel the pleasure overtake you.

His lips meet yours as your reach your orgasm and you pour as much passion into the kiss as possible. He thrusts into you a few more times, moaning into your mouth as he meets his release.


"He has Sean." Hotch's voice cracks and you grab his hand to comfort him.

"Let me come with you." You insist, increasing you grip on his hand so that he can't pull away.

"We talked about this, we agreed you'd stay away from the action if you could help it." He replies, his voice is now serious, all previous vulnerability gone.

"Aaron, he's your family. Which makes him my family." You felt bad using the family ploy but you were tired of sitting on the sidelines already.

His eyes soften at your words and he kisses your hand. "I know what you're doing, Alexa."

"Is it working?" You give him a sly smile, trailing your hand up his shirt. His hand catches yours.

"We're on a case, behave." His lip twitches and you know he's trying not to smile

"I will, as long as you let me go. We're wasting time."

"Fine, but you stay behind me, the entire time."

"Sir, yes, sir." You walk over where the rest of the team is sitting, grabbing your gun and badge. You ignore the disapproving look from JJ.

"Little miss thing is getting to go with us? What a surprise." Morgan smirks as they all stand.

"Sometimes I get what I want." You say, walking back towards Hotch. Reid sticks his fist out and you give him a fist bump.

"Let's go everyone, the clock's running out." Hotch's voice is tight as you, Morgan, Reid, and Emily follow him out. Rossi and JJ stay behind.

The car ride is silent. Hotch is thinking intensely, probably through the various ways this scenario could go. Sean had gone missing 3 days into the case. He called Hotch 2 days into disappearing, promising that he would call everyday to check in, but that he wouldn't go down for a drugging he didn't do. But he hadn't called today, his boss Thane Parks had. The team was to bring 2 million in order to get Sean back. He's sent the address and you all were on your way there. The car stops and you look out the window to see a large, two story house. Interesting location to hold a hostage. It was non-assuming. No one would imagine that someone was being tortured and held hostage. You all exit the vehicle quickly.

"Reid, and Emily take the left. Morgan, go right. Alexa, you're with me, we'll go to the second story. Trail behind, not too close, I don't want you getting hurt." He looks at you seriously, his tone no nonsense. You could fight on it, but you simply nod, knowing that you don't have time to waste. Sean was in there somewhere and it was crucial you get him out.

You all bust into the house. There's trash and debris everywhere, a completely different look than the polished exterior. You and Hotch take out your weapons as you make your way up the stairs. He signals for you to go clear the left room and he takes the right. You clear your room quickly and move to a room in the middle of the house. Before you can clear this one you hear a loud thud in the direction Hotch should be in. You run towards the room and stick you head in slowly.

Hotch is on the ground, pinned under a large man who's choking him out. You holster you gun and crouch slightly, watching your feet as you move forward as to not step on any debris. Once you're close enough you yell, "Hey, asshole!"

The man veers around, grunting and mumbling some expletives when you swiftly kick him in the jaw. He's out cold.

"Alexa!" Hotch's eyes are wide and tries to get his gun out in time, but its too late. Something from behind you slams into your head and you fall to the ground. A shot rings out and you turn to look behind you. Another large, white man is lying on the floor dead, a lead pipe in his hand.

Hotch is at your side, helping you up. "Are you alright?" His hands are all over you, his eyes sweeping your frame to assess any injuries.

"I'm fine, Aaron, I just need an ice pack and maybe a nap." You reassure him with a smile, rubbing your head where you were hit. That's going to leave a bruise. You might have a concussion. "Are you okay?" You start to look at him. There's some blood in the corner of his mouth.

"I'm fine, it's just a little blood. I'm fine baby." He tilts your chin up, getting a better look at where you were hit. "You might have a concussion." His words echo your thoughts.

"We got him!" Morgan yells from downstairs.

"Come on." You pull out of his hand and start towards the stairs, taking them two at a time. Hotch follows closely behind.

Sean looks pretty beat up and Hotch moves around you, helping Morgan move him outside.

"There are two upstairs, one dead." You tell Emily and Reid.

"We've got Thane cuffed down here. We'll handle it. You go check on the Hotch brothers." Emily says with a chuckle.

By the time you make it outside, they've loaded Sean into one of the ambulances. Hotch is sitting on the lip of the other one with an ice pack in his hands. His eyes are on you then and he holds at the ice pack. You make your way over to him and take it out of his hand.

"Thanks. See, aren't you glad you let me come with you." You hold the ice pack up onto your head.

"I'm starting to hate when you're right. But I am glad you were there. Good work, agent." His arms wrap his arms around your waist and pulls you in close.

"Oh, thanks boss." You say sarcastically before leaning forward, your lips meeting in a gentle kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Aaron."

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