Day One

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Marinette sighed as she crumpled her paper, throwing it into her trashcan nearby. She groaned in frustration, placing her head on her desk. Why? She wondered, her bluebell eyes scanning the empty lyrics on the half crumpled pages still on her desk. Marinette still didn't get the point of this project given to her by her music teacher. Write a song about an experience that shaped the person you are today. What kind of bullshit was that? If this wasn't sixty percent of her final grade, Marinette would have let the lyrics she had be her final draft. But no, she had to be a perfectionist when it came to school and her interests.

"Ms. Marinette? Are you alright?" Alfred startled the young woman causing her to fall out of her chair. Rubbing her back, Marinette smiled at the elder man. Alfred was holding a silver tray with tea and cookies the two had made the previous day. "I'm fine Alfred, just school work that's all" Marinette smiled softly. Alfred returned the gesture as he set the tray on the small coffee table in her room. "I hope you find a solution Ms, by the way Master Damian told me to remind you that he will be here soon. Please no 'funny' business" Marinette laughed at the man's tone. "I promise" Marinette giggled before the butler left in a swift motion. Marinette was still clueless to the man's powers of stealth, she had honestly given up years ago trying to figure it out.

It had been a few moments until Marinette heard a knock on her door, "Come in!" Marinette called from her desk, writing more lyrics that felt useless right now. "Are you alright beloved?" Damian asked from behind Marinette causing her to jump back a bit. Damian raised a brow over this, Marinette was used to his silent movements. "I'm fine Damian, just school work" Marinette sighed looking up tiredly at her boyfriend. Damian wasn't buying it, he knew something was up. "Beloved?" Damioan asked again, this time more concerned. "Dami it's just school work, nothing to be worried about a....." Damian cut her off immediately.

"If it was nothing you wouldn't have gone through five cups of coffee in the past hour" Damian started crossing his arms. Marinette sighed in defeat, she can't win against that. "It's just some silly assignment, I'm just being stubborn" Marinette admitted crossing her arms across her chest. Damian rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's childlike posture. "I can help you if you want.There's nothing that we can't do together" Damian smiled. Marinette's eyes lit up in excitement. She jumped up and hugged Damian tightly.

"YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!!!!!! Thank you!" Marinette squealed before she started writing on her page. Damian stood there in confusion, he was used to her random displays of affection actually, he had come to enjoy them. But he was more confused at the way she screamed like she was having a crisis and it was fixed in an instant. "What did I help you with?" Damian asked.

Marinette gave a small smile, "You helped me with my assignment to write a song" She mumbled but he still heard her clear as day. "I see, would you like me to help present it too?" Damian smiled slightly, making Marinette blush immensely.

"Only if you want to," Marinette squeaked, still writing her song.


"Well done Lila. Such a beautiful song about your family history" Ms Bustier congratulated as Lila copied a song from someone else's song.

"Thank you Ms, but i must say thank you to my family for allowing me to perform my song"

Marinette rolled her eyes at the Italian, what did she think this was, a concert.

"Alright, now Marinette can you please perform your song"

Marinette unmuted her mic and stood back away from her computer, the Wayne Manor music room in view with Damian sitting by the piano. "My song is called Together. It's about how my boyfriend, Damian and I helped each other"

"Oh, mmm
Oh, mmm" the pair began both playing the piano.

"When I felt down
You picked me up
And when I needed it the most
You showed me love
When I was lost
Couldn't find my way
You always found me
You knew just what to say
When my troubles get the best of me
I think about the words that you said to me
And you said" Marinette sang.

"No matter what you're going through
I'll be right next to you
There's nothing that we can't do together
If you ever need a hand to hold
Reach out and I'll grab yours
There's nothing that we can't do together
Oh, mmm
Oh, mmm" the pair were in sync, their voices were as beautiful as an angel.
"When I was down
You'd make me laugh
You never judged me
For what was in my past
When I was scared
You would calm me down
You stood beside me
When no one was around
When my troubles get the best of me
I think about the words that you said to me, oh" Damian's voice was soft as he sang.

"No matter what you're going through
I'll be right next to you
There's nothing that we can't do together
If you ever need a hand to hold
Reach out and I'll grab yours
There's nothing that we can't do together
There's nothing that we can't do together"

"You've been with me through the good times" Marinette smiled.

"You stuck with me through the bad" Damian looked at Marinette in pure admiration.

"Friends, they come and go
But you're the best
The best I ever had
And all the words you said still echo in my head" the duo sang in perfect harmony.

"And you said
No matter what you're going through
I'll be right next to you
There's nothing that we can't do together (oh oh oh)" Damian sang once more his voice even softer.

"If you ever need a hand to hold
Reach out and I'll grab yours
There's nothing that we can't do together
No matter what you're going through
I'll be right next to you
There's nothing that we can't do together (oh oh oh)
If you ever need a hand to hold
Reach out and I'll grab yours
There's nothing that we can't do together
There's nothing that we can't do together
There's nothing that we can't do together"

When the pair finished the entire Zoom call was in awe. Who knew Marinette could sing, nevermind playing the piano.

"Marinette! Such a wonderful song!" Ms Bustier smiled, clapping her hands. Marinette smiled before she noticed Lila's fuming face.

"Thank you" Marinette smiled before she logged off the call. "You have such a beautiful voice Beloved" Damian complemented wrapping his arms around her waist. " You too"

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