Day Three

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Many years ago there was a prophecy. A girl will be born with the powers of the first witch,Ériu, Mother Nature the most powerful woman to live. After her death in the country of Ireland she spoke that her soul will find her heir and return the light to the darkness that will succumb her kingdom.

This girl was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Yet she did not know of her power, for magic had hidden away from the world's eyes. So when Ériu's daughter Tikki found her mother's heir she was ecstatic, finally after thousands of years Tikki could free the world of Ra's Al Ghul's poison. But her sister was less than relieved.

Thalia grunted as the blade of goons' knife slashed her arm, She looked at the wound that was bleeding. "What's wrong Starling?" Batman asked her, wondering why she wasn't fighting. "I'm bleeding?!?!?" The vigilante freaked, the blood on her fingers. Impossible! She was immortal, she never bled. "I need to go back to the cave" She said before running to her motorbike.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE FOUND HER!" Thalia screamed down her phone while Alfred stitched up her wounds. "I'm not that stupid Plagg, it's just now isn't a good time" She growled, she hated being injured now more than ever. 'At least now you get to train her princess' Plagg sneered before hanging up. Thalia groaned, now she had to train probably the most powerful witch in the world while trying to help Bruce and the boys fight Gotham and what not.

"Bruce?" Thalia smiled sweetly. "What is it Thalassa" The man asked his tone as usual, boring. "So you know the whole purpose of my mission right" her voice cracked slightly, ignoring her birth name. The man grunted in response, allowing her to continue. "Well my big sister found and now i need to train so I was wondering if i could train her here?" Bruce almost spat out his coffee. "How old is this witch?" Bruce asked, trying to regain his posture. "A few months older than Damian" Thalia told him.

A Few Months Later...

Marinette walked out of the luggage area, her scared porcelain skin pale from her jet lag. Her tired eyes looked for her name ona white cardboard sign. She looked to see a girl very similar to the description Tikki gave her. "Are you Thalia?" The bluenette asked teh brown skinned girl. "Hello Marinette, I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are okay, and if not I will leave you to adjust to the Manor and its... inhabitants for a month before we prepare your training" Thalia smiled weakly before the two walked out of the airport in silence. Alfred stood by the door of the black car with a smile on his face. "It is lovely to be acquainted with you Madame Dupain-Cheng" Hey said his voice soft like honey. "Please call me Marinette," The parisian muttered quietly before she stepped into the car. Alfred gave Thalia a look, "Just be patient Al, she's been through a lot. Too much in fact" Thalia stepped into the car after Marinette.

The silence between the two witches was so awkward the tension could be cut with a knife. The car pulled up to the Manor, the house was beautiful in Marinette's eyes. "Look, I know that living with a group of boys is the last thing you want but I swear on my no longer immortal life they would never hurt you" Thalia told her as they reached the doors of Wayne Manor. Marinette nodded as Thalia and Alfred opened the two large doors together. The Wyane sons and Bruce were lined up by the huge stairs behind them. "Marinette meet the Waynes, boys this is Marinette a human being" Thalia tried to lighten up the room. Damian rolled his eyes at the comment, why was this girl even here! "Alfred could you please show Marinette to her room, I need to talk with the boys for a moment" Thalia smiled at the former holder who happily complied.

Once the witch was out of earshot the girl glared at the boys. "Okay first of all Bruce, no adopting her okay she is under the guardianship of my grandfather. Second of all you are not to push her with questions about her past and third of all do not make her angry alright" Thalia smiled at the boys her eyes glowing green. The five males gulped slightly at her and nodded in agreement. Before dispersing throughout the Manor. Thalia looked at the youngest Wayne who was still there, "What?" She asked Damian. "What happened to her Sister?" Damian asked the elder woman. "Too much little brother, too much," Thalia sighed before going to Marinette's room.

In the weeks Marinette had been at the Manor, she easily got along with Damian, why? The both of them were able to be in the same room and not talk for hours. Thalia was impressed that the boy she considered her baby brother easily got along with her pupil. Hell he didn't even ask her about her past or research her which surprised her greatly. " Damian?" Marinette asked quietly as she tried to grow a flower in a pot in front of her. "Yes Marinette?" Damian looked up from his book, forest green meeting bluebell eyes. "Why do you tolerate me?" her voice was more quiet than usual. Damian closed his book and stood next to Marinette.

"When I was younger my grandfather told me the legend of Mara. She was based on the prophecy about you. He said she was ruthless and killed anyone who dared to challenge her. He told me that when Mara was found the earth would shake, ancient witches and other legends will bow before her. Then Thalia told me the truth, and when you came I couldn't phantom how humble you were and then I realized something. You and me we're not so different at all"

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