Chapter forty nine-wrestling matches

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I awoke to shrill howling, which immediately triggered a deafening ringing in my ears, and I groaned, rolling over to muffle to noise in a pillow that was most definitely not my own. My dorm room smelt like the blueberry perfume I smeared onto my collarbone every morning, rather than the crisp scent of fallen leaves and rain I was currently breathing in.

"How could you do this to me?" Daphne's whining voice continued to drive the sensation of screwdrivers through my skull, "to us?"
"What the fucking hell are you on?" Malfoy's equally resounding voice yelled back, "there's no us, get over yourself, will you?"
"First day of Christmas, Satan sent to me, Malfoy's whiny fuck buddy" I sang quietly, and I saw their heads turn to where I lay wrapped up in pine green silk sheets
"Bloody hell, look what you've done now, you gormless rat, she's awake" Malfoy grumbled
"I don't give a shit if she's awake, you bastard" Daphne screeched, stomping her foot down aggressively in mimic of a toddler throwing a fit
"Would you sod off, Greengrass?" Malfoy groaned, and Daphne huffed, turning and storming out after shooting me a glare
"What did I drink last night?" I murmured, attempting to sit up before the shooting pain in my head forced me back down
"Little bit of everything" Malfoy said emotionlessly
"Did we...last night" I asked apprehensively, terrified of the answer
"What do you think, Lestrange?" He asked, hands in his pockets as he observed me from the end of the bed
"I think I was way too pissed to recall any memories at all" I said
"We didn't." Malfoy said simply after a short pause, and I let out a small sigh, and he added with an irritated tone, "but Bletchley was real keen on the idea"
"Oh I remember that" I said suddenly, "I said you were a cockblock"
"I'm aware" he said sullenly
"Cuz you were" I shot, pinching my temple with my fingers to subdue the headache
"I was making sure you didn't do anything even more stupid than drinking that fucking much" he snapped
"You mean like you do?" I remarked, and he sighed exasperatedly
"You are fucking welcome" he said, muttering something about 'ungrateful' before placing a small bottle in front of me, "drink that and get out of my room"
"Is it poison?" I asked pleasantly, popping the lid off the bottle
"Yes" Malfoy said sarcastically
"Good" I winced at the horrid taste the potion left in my mouth, though the migraine in my head was quickly dissolving, "so why was Greengrass mimicking a banshee earlier?"
"Out" he said flintly, jabbing a thumb towards the door
"If you don't tell me, I'll write to Lucius and tell him you think house elves should be allowed the same rights as wizards" I said loftily, and he sighed again
"She thinks we were exclusive, or something" he says, scrunching his nose at the word, "walked in here an hour ago wanting to make us official, unbelievable-and she started bawling when she saw you in my bed, it's pathetic"
"I slept through an hour of her hysteria?" I said, impressed with my own abilities
"Yes you did now get out of my room or I'll hex you so many times you'll join the Potters" he threatened
"That's not funny" I said, and he scoffed
"Look at you, always protecting poor baby potter" he cooed mockingly
"Well someone should" I said defiantly, "especially when there's numpties like you who think insulting a boy's dead mother is a great laugh"
"You don't seem to be too bothered with Weasley, I insulted his mother too" he said accusingly
"His mother's alive and well, Malfoy" I said, shaking my head, "god you're slow. When you insult Molly, Ron doesn't need me to protect him because he knows the things you say arent true. His mother's living proof. But Harry'll never know, he'll never be able to say your wrong because he never knew her long enough to do so."
"Why do you have to be so over dramatic, Lestrange" Malfoy sneered, "what's the big deal?"
"The big deal" I snarled, "is that you have no right to talk about Lily Potter because you have no idea what's it like"
"What it's like?" He questioned patronisingly
"Not knowing" I said, blinking back tears, "All his life, Harry'll never know what his mother's favourite colour is...or what animals she visits at the zoo-or hear her humming to herself around the house. He'll never know what kind of soup she would make for him when he had a cold or...see her eyes light up when she's proud of him. He'll never be able to cry to her when he feels afraid or make snow angels with her or ask her for help with someone he likes, I'll never-"

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