Chapter forty five-liar

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"Heritage" I uttered the password had gotten from my friend in Slytherin house, Holly, and breathed a sigh of relief when the door to the Slytherin common room swung open, revealing a spacious room with a high ceiling and large windows, the waters from the lake casting green light onto the stone walls. I looked around for Holly, spotting her talking animatedly with her group of friends in an armchair by the fire, smiling at me when she saw me

"Hi (y/n)!" She said sweetly, giving me a friendly hug, "guys this is my friend, (y/n) Lestrange"

Her friends smiled and waved kindly

"If you're a Lestrange, then why aren't you a Slytherin like us?" A tall boy with dark skin and a sharp jaw asked
"Blaise, that's not nice to ask" Holly reprimanded
"It's fine, Holly" I said earnestly, before turning to him, "honestly you know as well as I do, I though Slytherin would be my house for sure, but I guess the sorting hat disagreed with me"
"We'll it's a shame" Blaise said, his gaze flickering up and down my body, "I would've loved to get to know you better"
"Oh shut up, Zabini" Holly said, rolling her eyes before saying to me, "don't listen to him, he's a huge flirt"
"Hey now I can't help that the ladies can't resist me" he joked boastfully, and we all laughed, "hey what are you doing here anyway?"
"(Y/n) needs to talk to a certain stuck up ferret" Holly said, wiggling her brows and I punched her shoulder playfully, "his dorm's just up that way"
"Oh-ho, you do not wanna go in there right now" Blaise said, stretching an arm out in front of me, blocking my path up the stairs to the boys dormitories, "just trust me on this one, (y/n)"
"I won't be long, I just have to return something" I said, feeling the green silk in my robe pocket
"Alright it's your funeral" Blaise said, letting his arm fall, and calling out after me, "I'll be here when you need a shoulder to cry on!"
"Never gonna happen!" I yelled over my shoulder, reaching the dark green wooden door and turning the silver coloured door handle, immediately regretting doing so when I saw what was inside

Draco Malfoy sat on the edge of his bed, weighed down by Pansy, who sat straddling him as she aggressively made out with him, grinding her hips against him as she ran her hands through his hair. I coughed loudly and they pulled apart, their eyes darting to me

"Oh don't mind me, I was just choking on all the testosterone in this room" I mused, though Pansy suddenly looked far more punchable than usual
"What are you doing here?" Pansy spat, "are you really so daft you managed to mix up the common rooms?"
"I'd watch what you say unless you'd like to relive the memory of being a worm" I said, masking my anger with amusement, "If you could take a break from eating each other's faces, I need to talk to Malfoy"
"Well that's too bad, because that's not happening" Pansy sneered
"Get out" Malfoy said coldly, and I fell apart under his gaze
"Draco, you're not seriously-"
"Get your fat arse out of my room, Parkinson" He ordered, and Pansy huffed loudly before storming out, bumping her shoulder with mine as she walked past
"You better have a really good reason for interrupting that, Lestrange" he drawled, leaning back casually on his bed post
"Interrupting?" I scoffed, "please, I was saving you"
"Saving me?" He asked with amusement
"From trading saliva with a pig" I answered, forcing my voice to keep steady
"Are you jealous, Lestrange?" He taunted and I laughed loudly
"Oh yeah, I'm just devastated that I'll never be able to have the opportunity to ferret around with a dumb blonde" I said sarcastically
"Well if you aren't here for the show, why are you here?" He asked, cocking his head in curiosity, and I pulled out a neatly folded dark green handkerchief from my pocket, placing it on his bed
"To return that" I said simply, "and now that I have, I'll be leaving"
"It's not the same one" he said casually, "it's a different one"
"Yeah, well...I couldn't wash out the blood from the one you gave me, so I placed an order for a new one" I said, looking at the handkerchief he was turning over in his pale hands, "it's the same design and everything though"
"Now why would you go through all the trouble of getting me a new one?" He said slowly, and I could see his wide smirk out of the corner of my eye as I stared at nothing in particular in the corner of his room
"Because it was the nice thing to do" I muttered
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you, Lestrange" he said lowly, and I realised he had left his bed, now standing right in front of me, his voice getting colder when my gaze remained elsewhere, "Unless you would like to spend tonight in detention, I suggest you listen to me"

he took my chin with the palm of his hand and pressed his fingers on either sides of my jaw, forcing me to look into his harsh grey eyes, which studies me closely and making me feel incredibly powerless

"Tell me, Lestrange, how did it make you feel" he said, his voice barely above a whisper, "to see me and Parkinson like that?"
"I don't really give a fuck" I said untruthfully
"You didn't feel anything at all to see her...on top of close to me...with her hands all over me and her tongue in my mouth-"
"Stop it" I said sternly, pressing my lips into a thin line
"Tell me you didn't feel anything, and I'll stop" he said tantalisingly, moving his hand down to the curve of my bare neck
"I felt nothing but disgust towards Parkinson and hatred towards you, Malfoy" I lied, staring him down intensely as the silver around his fingers dug into my neck
"Is that so, Lestrange?"

By the way his expression turned stoney and dark I could tell I had given the wrong answer, I was saved from the possibility of having to come up with an escape route as a loud clinking noise sounded from the common room, followed by a surge of chattering. Malfoy's grip loosened, and I took the opportunity to wrestle myself out of his grasp, turning and running out of his dorm as I subconsciously tried to wrap my head around the events that had just occurred. I spotted the reason for the noise, a long sheet of parchment had just been pinned to the notice board, written and signed in formal ink

————By order of————
The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts

All Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded.
An Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.
Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).
No Student Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.
Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organization, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled
The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four

Malfoy stood in front of the potions classroom speaking much louder than necessary in an effort to make sure everyone could hear him

"Yeah, Umbridge gave the Slytherins Quidditch team permission to continue playing straightaway, I went to ask her first thing this morning. Well, it was pretty automatic, I mean, she knows my father really well, he's always popping in and out of the ministry"
"Why does it not surprise me in the slightest that Umbridge and Malfoy are buddies" I said to Harry, Ron and Hermione as we approached,
"it'll be interesting to see whether Gryffindor are allowed to keep playing, won't it" Malfoy said malevolently, smirking at me while I shot him a glare, "I mean, if it's a question of influence in the ministry I don't think they've got much chance. From what my father says, they've been looking for an excuse to sack Arthur Weasley for years...and as for father says its a matter of time before the Ministry has him carted off to St. Mungo's...apparently they've got a special ward for people who's brains have been addled with magic" he finished, pulling a mocking grotesque face to grunt of laughter from Crabbe and Goyle

I gripped my wand tightly beneath my robes, but the doors of the classroom banged open suddenly before I could use it.

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