1.08: whatever

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Aurora snapped open her eyes, looking around and blinking rapidly at the sudden light. She put an arm over her face, squinting as she observed the room. She was in Five's room again. She found him putting a band-aid on his stitched shoulder and snorted at the cartoons on it. The boy turned with a frown.

"Nice trains you got there," The teen said in amusement.

Five glared at the brunette. "Ha ha." He got up and started to put the rest of his uniform on. "You think you're well enough to walk?"

"Yeah, it's not like I got my legs cut off." Aurora stood up and placed all of her weight on her right side, trying not to agitate her already aching wound. She walked next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder to balance herself.

"You got shot for the first time," The boy announced. "How does it feel?"

"Shitty." Five chuckled at her comment, zipping up the green duffel bag he had stolen the night before. He walked towards the window and slid it open, climbing onto the fire escape and helping Aurora out as well.

"Well, let's hope it's the last time we get shot at."

"Don't jinx it, you did that with the Commission goons." Five started climbing down the ladder, Aurora not too far behind him.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?" Klaus groaned, making the girl glance at him on her way down. She looked at him in confusion as he said, "Shut up."

Aurora looked down at Five. "Who's he talking to?" The boy shrugged and kept climbing.

"I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus," Five started, jumping down from the fire escape. "But then it occurred to me... I don't care." He stood by the ladder and took Aurora's hand after she jumped as well, leading her past the man in the dumpster.

Klaus turned to his brother and chuckled. "Hey. You know there are easier ways out of the house, buddy?"

"This one involved the least amount of talking," He replied. "Or so I thought."

"Hey, hey, hey. You two need any more company today? I could uh... clear my schedule," Klaus said, taking a sip of whatever was in his flask.

"Looks like you've got your hands full."

"Oh, this? No, I can do this whenever. I'm just--" Klaus cut himself off as he slipped and fell on the trash behind him. "I just misplaced something, that's all."

Aurora started to lean on Five for support, him retaliating by wrapping his arm around her. "Oh! Found it, thank god!" The girl grimaced at the dumpster bagel Klaus was about to eat, watching his reaction as he did so.

"Delicious," The man gagged.

Five spoke after a while, "I'm done funding your drug habit." He turned around and pulled Aurora down the alley.

"Come on! Maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother and his lady friend. Not you. Mi hermano, I love you! Even if you can't love yourself!"

By the time Klaus stopped talking, Aurora and Five were already driving off in a stolen van. They briefly stopped so the girl could call the number Klaus had given her, then continued on to Meritech.

-At Maya's apartment-

"Babe," Judah called out into the apartment. "You've got a call!"

Maya yelled back, "Who is it?"

"It's an unknown number!"

"Let it ring," The girl replied, walking into the room and plopping down next to her boyfriend on the couch. "Don't you have a work shift today?"

"I took the day off for you," Judah smiled, squeezing the brunette's shoulder.

Maya smiled. "Oh, really? Well, I did the same for you."

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to watch movies all day?" The boy nodded eagerly, handing the girl the remote. Her smile got wider as she turned the TV on and searched for a movie to watch. She was about to click on one when her phone rang again. She groaned as she picked up the phone and answered.

"Yes, Klaus?"

"Do you want to go on a quest with me?"

"I'm not helping you find drugs, we talked about this."

"What? No, no, no. I mean for my brother."

"Which one?"


Maya's jaw dropped. "He's finally here?"

"Yeah, he got here a couple of days ago."

"What about Aurora?"

"The curly-haired brunette? Yeah, she asked for--"

"Text me the details. I'm on my way," Maya interrupted, hanging up the phone and turning towards her confused boyfriend. "Baby, I'm sorry. I have to go, it's an emergency. I promise I'll be back by lunch."

"Okay," Judah nodded, pecking the girl's lips and watching her run out of the door. "Be careful!"

"I always am!"

-back to the van-

"So," Aurora started. "What are we doing? You didn't exactly tell me why we're just sitting here."

"We're waiting," Five replied.

"I swear to god, I will get out of this van if we're waiting for an eye to get made."

"The doors are unlocked."

Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Five. Are you drunk?"

Five looked at the girl in the passenger seat. "No, I'm not drunk. You know I'm working."

"Whatever, Five."

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